










  • State University of New York at Stony Brook ¥ÍºA»P¶i¤Æ¨t(1980.08~1983.12)
  • ¥xÆW¤j¾Ç®ü¬v¬ã¨s©Ò®ü¬v¥Íª«¤Îº®·~²Õ(1974.09~1976.07)
  • ¥xÆW¤j¾Ç°Êª«¾Ç¨tº®·~¥Íª«²Õ(1968.09~1972.07)


  • °ê¥ß¦ÛµM¬ì¾Ç³Õª«À]¿Ô¸ß©e­û(2004.5-2009.12¡F2023.12-2025.11)
  • °ê¥ß¤¤¤s¤j¾ÇºaÅAÁ¿®y±Ð±Â (2022.2-2025.1)
  • ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|¼Æ¦ì¤å¤Æ¤¤¤ßÅU°Ý (2017.1-2024.12)
  • ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|¼Æ¦ì¨åÂÿÔij©e­û·|©e­û¡]2005.10.10-2011¡^
  • °ê¥ß®ü¬v¬ì§Þ³Õª«À]ÅU°Ý¡]2001-2015¡^¡F¿Ô¸ß©e­û(2016.8~2025.11)
  • ¤¤¬ã°|¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¥N²z¥D¥ô (2004.1-2007.12) ¡C¨t²Î¤ÀÃþ»P¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¸ê°T±MÃD¤¤¤ß°õ¦æªø (2005.8-2016.7)¡B¬ã¨s³Õª«À]À]ªø (2016-2017) ¡B­Ý¥ô¬ã¨s­û¡]2016.8-2019.7¡^
  • °ê¥ßªFµØ¤j¾Ç®ü¬v¬ì¾Ç°|®ü¬v¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¤Îºt¤Æ¬ã¨s©Ò­Ý¥ô±Ð±Â¡]2005.2-2006.7¡^
  • ¤¤¬ã°|¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¬ã¨s­û (2004.1~2016.7¡F2003.01~2007.12)
  • ¤¤¬ã°|°Êª«¬ã¨s©Ò¬ã¨s­û­Ý©Òªø(1988.8~2004.12¡F1996.07~ 2002.07)
  • °]¹Îªk¤H¹Lµ{¹êÅç¬ã¨s°|§i¶Dºô¸ô»P­pºâ¤¤¤ß¿Ô¸ß©e­û¡]2007.11-2009.11¡^
  • °ê¥ß¹Å¸q¤j¾Ç¥Í©R¬ì¾Ç°|¤ô²`¥Íª«¬ì¾Ç¨t±Ð®vµûų©e­û¡]2007.8-2008.7¡^
  • °ê¨¾Âå¾Ç°|­Ý¥ô±Ð±Â¡]1996¡F2002¡^
  • °ê¥ß¥xÆW®ü¬v¤j¾Ç®ü¬v¥Íª«¬ã¨s©Ò±Ð±Â­Ý©Òªø(1991.08 ~1994.08)
  • ¤¤¬ã°|°Êª«¬ã¨s©Ò¬ã¨s­û­Ý°Æ©Òªø(1988.08~ 1991.07)
  • °ê立¥xÆW¤j¾Ç®ü¬v¬ã¨s©Ò­Ý±Ð±Â(1988.08 ~ 1991.07)          
  • °ê立¤¤¿³¤j¾Ç©øÂάã¨s©Ò­Ý°Æ±Ð±Â¡B±Ð±Â(1986.02 ~2015.1)
  • °ê立¤¤¤s¤j¾Ç®ü¬v¥Íª«©Ò®ü¸ê¨t­Ý°Æ±Ð(1984.02 ~1986.06)
  • ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|°Êª«¬ã¨s©Ò§U理¬ã¨s­û¡B°Æ¬ã¨s(1978.08 ~ 1983.07¡F1984.1~1988.7)
  • °ê立¥xÆW¤j¾Ç°Êª«¾Ç¨t§U±Ð¡B­Ý°Æ±Ð±Â(1976.08 ~1988.07)               
  • Àô«O¸p¤½®`ªÈ¯Éµô¨M©e­û·|©e­û(2005.10-2026.10)
  • Àô«O¸pÀô¹Ò«~½è¿Ô¸ß©e­û·|©e­û¡]2005.1-2018.12¡^
  • °]¹Îªk¤H°ê®a¬Fµ¦¬ã¨s°òª÷·|¥ÃÄòµo®i²Õ¯S¬ù¬ã¨s­û¡]2003.10-2008.9¡^
  • ¦Ò¸Õ°|¤§°ªµ¥¡B´¶³q©Î¯SºØ¦Ò¸Õ¤§¨å¸Õ©e­û(´X¥G¨C¦~)
  • ®ü¬v©e­û·|®ü¬v³¥¥Í°Êª««O¨|¿Ô¸ß©e­û·|©e­û(2019~¨´¤µ)
  • ®ü¬v©e­û·|©e­û (2024.9~2026,8)
  • ¦æ¬F°|®ü¬v¨µ¨¾¸p®ü¬v¨Æ°È¬ã¨s©e­û·|©e­û¡]2004.11-2005.10¡^
  • ¦æ¬F°|®ü¬v¨Æ°È±À°Ê©e­û·|©e­û¡]2006.4-2008.4¡^
  • ¸gÀÙ³¡¤ô§Q¸p®ü©¤¨¾Å@­p¹º¼fij¤p²Õ©e­û¡]2017.11-2019.10¡^¡F°Ï°ì±Æ¤ôªv²z­p¹º¼fij¤p²Õ©e­û¡]2020.11-2025.10¡^
  • ±Ð¨|³¡®ü¬v±Ð¨|±À°Ê¤p²Õ©e­û¡]2023.1-2025.12¡^¡B®ü¬v±Ð¨|¿Ô¸ß©e­û¡]2024-2024¡^
  • ¥xÆW®ü¬v±Ð¨|¤¤¤ß¡u°ª¤¤®ü¬v±Ð¨|ijÃD¬ãµo»P±À°Ê¤p²Õ¡v©e­û¡]2022-¨´¤µ¡^
  • ¤å¤Æ³¡¤ô¤U¤å¤Æ¸ê²£¼fij·|©e­û(2016.9-2022.8)
  • ¹A©e·|¡B¤º¬F³¡¡B±Ð¨|³¡¡B¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê±À°Ê¤p²Õ©e­û(2002-2022)
  • ¹A©e·|º®·~¸pº®·~¿Ô¸ß©e­û·|©e­û(2009-2017)
  • ¹A©e·|º®·~¸p¡u­º¦¸¿é¤J¥~¨Ó¤ô²£°Êª«¬¡Åé¼f¬d©e­û·|¡v©e­û¡B¡u±M¥Îº®·~Åv¼f¬d¤u§@¤p²Õ©e­û·|¡v©e­û(2005-2023)
  • ¹A©e·|³¥¥Í°Êª««O¨|¿Ô¸ß©e­û·|©e­û(2001.1-2019)
  • °ê¥ß½sĶÀ]/°ê®a±Ð¨|¬ã¨s°|--®ü¬v¬ì¾Ç¦Wµü¡B¥Í©R¬ì¾Ç¦Wµü¡B¥ÍºA¾Ç¦Wµü(¥l¶°¤H)¼fij©e­û·|©e­û(2008.12-¨´¤µ)
  • ¬ì§Þ³¡¦ÛµM¥q®ü¬v¬ì§Þ¬ã¨sµo®i³W¹º¤¤ªº¡u®ü¬v¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¤Î«O¨|¡v²Õ¥l¶°¤H¡C(2014.10-2015.8)
  • ¦æ¬F°|¥ÃÄò©e­û·|(2009.11-2016.10)
  • °ê¬ì·|¥Íª«³B°Êª«¾Çªù¥l¶°¤H¡]2001-2003¡^¡F¥Í©R¬ì¾Ç±À°Ê¤¤¤ß¼fij©e­û¡]2005.7-2008.6¡^¡F¬F©²¬ì§Þ­p¹º¼fij¦a²yÀô¹Ò¬ì§Þ¸s²Õ©e­û¡]2006.3-2007.12¡^
  • °ê¥ß¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¬ã¨s¤¤¤ßµûų©e­û·|©e­û­Ý¥l¶°¤H¡]101¡B106¤Î111¾Ç¦~«×¡^¡F¥ÍºA¾Ç»Pºt¤Æ¥Íª«¾Ç¬ã¨s©Òµûų©e­û·|©e­û­Ý¥l¶°¤H¡]107¤Î112¾Ç¦~«×¡^¡F®ü¬v¤¤¤ß¿Ô¸ß©e­û·|©e­û¡]2017.10-2019.9¡^
  • °ê¥ß¤¤¤s¤j¾Ç±Ð®vµûų©e­û·|©e­û¡]2014-2015¡^¡F®Õ°Èµo®i¿Ô¸ß©e­û¡]2013¡^
  • °]¹Îªk¤H°ªµ¥±Ð¨|µûų¤¤¤ß¤j¾Ç®Õ°|¨t©Òµûų®ü¬v¬ì¾Ç»P®ü¬v¤uµ{¾Çªù³W¹º©e­û¡]2007-2012¡^
  • ±Ð¨|³¡¤j¾Ç®Õ°Èµûų³W¹º»P¹ê¬I­p¹ºµûų©e­û¡]2005¡^
  • ±Ð¨|³¡°ê¥ß®ü¬v¬ì§Þ³Õª«À]Äw³Æ³B«ü¾É©e­û·|©e­û¡]2002.11-2004.10¡^
  • °ê»Ú¦h¼Ë©Ê¬ì¾Ç­pµe¡]DIVERSITAS¡^¤¤µØ¥Á°ê©e­û·|°õ¦æ¯µ®Ñ¡]1999.9-2015.12¡^
  • ¥þ²y¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¸ê°T¾÷ºc(GBIF)¤¤µØ¥Á°ê©e­û·|°õ¦æ¯µ®Ñ/±`°È©e­û(2008.3¡X¨´¤µ)
  • ¤Ó¥­¬v¬ì¾Ç¨ó·|¡]PSA¡^¡B°ê»ÚÀô¹Ò°ÝÃD¬ì¾Ç©e­û·|(SCOPE)¡B°ê»Ú¬ì¾Ç»P§Þ³N¸ê®Æ©e­û·|(CODATA) µ¥¤¤µØ¥Á°ê©e­û·|±`°È©e­û¡]¨´¤µ¡^
  • °ê»Ú¦a°é¥Íª«°é­pµe(IGBP)¡B°ê»Ú¥Íª«¬ì¾ÇÁp¦X·|(IUBS)µ¥©e­û·|©e­û(~2015)
  • °ê»Ú¦ÛµM«O¨|Áp·ù¡]IUCN¡^ª«ºØ¦s¬¡©e­û·|¡]Species Survival Commission¡^ ©e­û¡X¬À·äÁG³½Ãþ¤p²Õ¤Î¥Û´³¤Î¶©ÀY³½¤p²Õ¡]2001.2--¡^
  • IUCN«OÅ@°Ï©e­û·|¡]World Commission of Protected Areas¡^©e­û¡]2001.8--¡^
  • ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¬À·äÁG¾Ç·|¡B¤¤µØ¥Á°ê³½Ãþ¾Ç·|¡B®ü¬v¨Æ°È»P¬Fµ¦¨ó·|¡B¥xÆW®ü¬vªk¬F¤Îªv²z¾Ç·|¡B¥xÆW¥ÍºA¬ì§Þµ¦¶i¨ó·|¡B°ê®a¤½¶é¾Ç·|¡BÄH³b¨ó·|¡B¥xÆW¤ô²£¾Ç·|¡B¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¦ÛµM¥ÍºA«O¨|¨ó·|¡B·Ë¬yÀô¹Ò¾Ç·|¡B¤¤°ê¥Íª«¾Ç·|¡B®ü¬v¾Ç·|¡B¨È¼ö±a¥ÍºA¾Ç·|¤§²z¨Æ¡BºaÅA²z¨Æ¡B±`°È²z¨Æ¡B±`°ÈºÊ¨Æ¡C
  • ªÀ¹Îªk¤H¥xÆWÀô¹Ò¸ê°T¨ó·|ÅU°Ý¡]2022.3-2024.3¡^
  • ¯î³¥«OÅ@¨ó·|ÅU°Ý (2016-)
  • Àô«O¸pÀô¹Ò±Ð¨|»{ÃÒÁ¿®v(²×¨­)


  • ³½Ãþ¤ÀÃþ¡B¥ÍºA¡B®ü¬v¥Íª«¡Bº®·~¥Íª«¡B¥Íª«²Î­p¡B¼Æ­È¤ÀÃþ¡B¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¸ê°T¾Ç¡B¥ÍºA»P¶i¤Æ


1.        ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê²Ä¤Ü¤E©¡¤Q¤j³Ç¥X«C¦~¡A1991¡C

2.        ¤¤°ê¥Íª«¾Ç·|³Ç¥X¬ã¨s¼ú¡A1994.2¡C

3.        °ê¬ì·|³Ç¥X¬ã¨s¼ú (1994-1995)¡C

4.        °ê¬ì·|¥ÒºØ¬ã¨s¼ú¡A1984¦~°_¨´¤µ¨C¦~¡C

5.        ª÷¹©¼ú (1981¦~¡A¥xÆW¦ÛµM¤j¨t ¡Ð¥xÆWªº¬À·ä³½Ãþ¡F1992¦~¡A¥xÆW¦ÛµMÆ[¹î¹ÏŲ 17,18,23,26¡ã31 ¦@¤E¥U)¡C

6.        ±Ð¨|³¡¤Tµ¥±Ð¨|¤å¤Æ¼ú³¹¡A1998.11¡C

7.        ¡u¦n®Ñ¤j®aŪ¡v¦~«×³Ì¨Î¤Ö¦~¨àµ£Åªª«¼ú¡]2003¦~¡A»·¬y¥Xª©ªÀ¡X³½Ãþ¹ÏŲ¡^¡C

8.        ¡u¦n®Ñ¤j®aŪ¡v¦~«×³Ì¨Î¤Ö¦~¨àµ£Åªª«¼ú¡]2004¦~¡A»·¬y¥Xª©ªÀ¡X³½Ãþ¤Jªù¡^¡C

9.        2005¦~¡m«Jª÷°ï³Ç¥XºaÅA¼ú¡nÀô¹Ò«OÅ@¾Ç³NÃþ¼ú¡C

10.     2008¦~¥þ°ê¤Q¤j³Ç¥X¹A·~±M®a

11.     2011¦~ªL·~¤Î¦ÛµM«O¨|¦³¥\¤H¤h

12.     2016¦~¦]ªA°È¤½Â¾40¦~ÁZ®ÄÀu²§¡AÀò¹{¯Sµ¥ªA°È¼ú³¹

13.     2021¦~±Ð¨|³¡ªÀ·|±Ð¨|°^Äm­Ó¤H奬

14.     2023¦~±Ð¨|³¡®ü¬v±Ð¨|±À¤â¼ú­Ó¤H¼ú

15.     2024¦~®ü©e·|°ê®a®ü¬v¬ã¨s°|¹{µo¡u¥\¦b®ü¬v¡v¼ú


¤G¡B¾ú¦~µÛ§@ (Publication list)

A.±M®Ñ (books published)

1.        ±i±X¶¯¡Bªò¼s¬L¡B§õ«H¹ý (1979) ¡m¥xÆWªu©¤³½Ãþ¹ÏŲ (I) ¡n¡C¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|°Êª«¬ã¨s©Ò±M¥Z¡A²Ä 6 ¸¹¡A 288 pp., 210figs.¡C

2.        ±i±X¶¯¡Bªò¼s¬L¡Bªáªø¥Í (1980) ¡m¥xÆWªº¬À·äÁG³½Ãþ¡n¡A¥x¥_´ç°²¥Xª©ªÀ¡A235pp, 340 figs.¡C

3.        ªò¼s¬L¡BªL©¯§U (1990) ¡m ¥xÆW¦ÛµMÆ[¹î¹ÏŲ(23) ¡n ¡X ¤ô¥Í¦³¬r°Êª« (¤@)¡C´ç°²¥Xª©ªÀ¡C

4.        ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯ÄR²Q (1990) ¡m ¥xÆW¦ÛµMÆ[¹î¹ÏŲ(17) ¡n¡X ®ü¤ôÆ[½à³½Ãþ (¤@)¡C´ç°²¥Xª©ªÀ¦³­­¤½¥q¡C

5.        ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯ÄR²Q (1990) ¡m ¥xÆW¦ÛµMÆ[¹î¹ÏŲ(18) ¡n ¡X ®ü¤ôÆ[½à³½Ãþ (¤G)¡C´ç°²¥Xª©ªÀ¡C

6.        ªò¼s¬L (1991) ¡m ¥xÆW±`¨£ªº¬À·äÁG³½Ãþ¡n¡C¬ì¾Ç±Ð¨|¸ê®ÆÂO®Ñ¡A¬Ù¬F©²±Ð¨|ÆU¥Xª©¡AXXI¡C

7.        ªò¼s¬L (1991) ¡m ¨¾¤ô¹ÏŲ¨t¦C(1) ¡n¡X ®ü¤ô³½¡C´ç°²¥Xª©ªÀ¡C

8.        ªò¼s¬L¡B§õ«ØÀB (1991) ¡m¥xÆW¦ÛµMÆ[¹î¹ÏŲ(29) ¡n ¡Ð ²î³¨ªº³½: ¥~®üªº³½(¤@)¡C´ç°²¥Xª©ªÀ¡C

9.        ªò¼s¬L¡B¦óªL®õ (1991) ¡m¥xÆW¦ÛµMÆ[¹î¹ÏŲ(30) ¡n ¡Ð ²î³¨ªº³½: ¥~®üªº³½(¤G)¡C´ç°²¥Xª©ªÀ¡C

10.     ªò¼s¬L¡BªL¨K¥ß (1991) ¡m¥xÆW¦ÛµMÆ[¹î¹ÏŲ(28) ¡n ¡Ð Åy³¨ªº³½: ¬â©¤ªº³½¡C´ç°²¥Xª©ªÀ¡C

11.     ªò¼s¬L¡BªL¨K¥ß (1991) ¡m¥xÆW¦ÛµMÆ[¹î¹ÏŲ(31) ¡n ¡Ð ·Ë¦À³¨ªº³½: ²H¤ô»Pªe¤fªº³½¡C´ç°²¥Xª©ªÀ

12.     ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯¥ß¤å (1991) ¡m¥xÆW¦ÛµMÆ[¹î¹ÏŲ(26) ¡n¡Ð ÁF³¨ªº³½: ©¥©¤ªº³½ (¤@)¡C´ç°²¥Xª©ªÀ¡C

13.     ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯ÄR­s (1991) ¡m ¥xÆW¦ÛµMÆ[¹î¹ÏŲ(27) ¡n ¡Ð ÁF³¨ªº³½: ©¥©¤ªº³½ (¤G)¡C´ç°²¥Xª©ªÀ¡C

14.     ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯¥¿¥­¡B¨H¥@³Ç (1992) ¡m ¾Á¤B®ü°ì³½Ãþ¹ÏŲ¡n¡C¾Á¤B°ê®a¤½¶éºÞ²z³B¡C

15.     ¨H¥@³Ç¡B§õ«H¹ý¡Bªò¼s¬L¡B²öÅãëL¡B³¯­õÁo¡B³¯¬K·u (1993) ¡m¥xÆW³½Ãþ»x¡n¡C°ê¬ì·|¡A¥xÆW¤j¾Ç°Êª«¨t¡C

16.     ®]Ä_¦~¡B¯Î¨q­s¡Bªò¼s¬L¡B¤è¤O¦æ¡B§õ«ØÀB (1995) ¡m ¥xÆW¦a°Ï±`¨£­¹¥Î³½¨©Ãþ¹Ï»¡¡n¡C¦æ¬F°|½Ã¥Í¸p½s¡A¥¿¤¤®Ñ§½µo¦æ¡A175­¶¡C

17.     ªò¼s¬L¡B¿à´º¶§¡B³¯¤Ñ¥ô¡B¦ó¥­¦X¡B¬hªÛ½¬¡B³¯³¹ªi (1996) ¡m ¥xÆW±`¨£³½¤¶¨©Ãþ¹Ï»¡¡n (¤W) (¤U) ¨â¥U¡F¤W¡V ®üĦ»PµL¯á´Õ°Êª«¡F¤U¡V ³½Ãþ¡C¦æ¬F°|¹A©e·|¤Î¬Ùº®·~§½¦L¦æ¡A¤W¥U108­¶¡A¤U¥U282­¶¡C

18.     ¶ÀµnºÖ¡Bªò¼s¬L (1997) ¡m¥xÆW¦a°Ï¦³¬r³½¨©¤¶Ãþ¹ÏŲ¡n¡C¦æ¬F°|½Ã¥Í¸p¡A324­¶¡C

19.     ¶ÀµnºÖ¡Bªò¼s¬L (1997) ¡m¥xÆW±`¨£¦³¬r³½¤¶¨©Ãþ¹Ï»¡¡n¡C¥xÆW¬Ùº®·~§½¡A86­¶¡C

20.     ªò¼s¬L (1998) ¡m®ü¬v¥ÍºA¾Ç¡n¡C°ê¥ß½sĶÀ]¡A©ú¤å®Ñ§½µo¦æ¡C476­¶¡C

21.     ªò¼s¬L¡B·¨·ç´Ëµ¥ (1998) ¡m®ü¬v¥Íª«º©½Í¡n¡C¤¤¤s¤å¤Æ°òª÷·|¡A¥xÆW®Ñ§½µo¦æ¡C230­¶¡C

22.     ¥îº~ÀM¡Bªò¼s¬L¡B¿à¬KºÖ (1999) ¡m©Ôº~¥@¬É³½Ãþ¦W¨å¡n¡C¤ô²£¥Xª©ªÀ¡A108­¶¡C

23.     ªò¼s¬L (2000) ¡m°ò¶©À¬ªº³½Ãþ¡n¡C©ó·¨·ç´Ë½s¡A°ò¶©®ü°ìªº¥Íª«¥@¬É¡C°ò¶©¥«¬F©²¡C

24.     ªò¼s¬L (2000) ¥D½s¡G¡mÂŦâ¹B°Ê - ´M¦^¥xÆWªº®ü¬v¥Íª«¡n¡CÁp¸g¥Xª©ªÀ¡C

25.     ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯ÄR²Q (2000) ¡m«í¬K¥b®q¥Íª«¹ÏŲ ¡n- ³½Ãþ³¡¥÷¡C»·¬y¥Xª©¤½¥q¡C

26.     ªò¼s¬L (2001) ¡m¦P·N¿é¤J³¥¥Í°Êª«¤ô²£ª«ºØ¹ÏŲ¡n¡C¹A©e·|º®·~¸p¡C

27.     ªò¼s¬L¡B·¨·ç´Ë¡B³¯±d«C¡B§õ·½øÊ (2001) ¡m¥xÆWªu©¤³½§Z¹ÏŲ¡n¡C¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|°Êª«©Ò¤Î¥xÆW¹q¤O¤½¥q¡C

28.     ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯ÀR©É¡]2003¡^¡m³½Ãþ¹ÏŲ¡n: »OÆW¤C¦Ê¦hºØ±`¨£³½Ãþ¹ÏŲ¡C»·¬y¥Xª©¤½¥q¡C

29.     ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯ÄR²Q¡B¶À±X¿Ñ¡B¿à¦Ê½å¡]2004¡^¡m³½Ãþ¤Jªù¡n¡C»·¬y¥Xª©¤½¥q¡C

30.     ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯ÀR©É¡B½²¥¿¤@¡Bªô­§¤å¡B葉«Ø¦¨¡BÁÂ來¥É (2007) ¡m¶®¬ü(¹F®©)±Úªº®ü¬v¥Íª«¡n¡C¥xªF¿¤¬F©²¡C231­¶¡C

31.     ªò¼s¬L¡B´^Ãè¼Ý¡B§d¤å­õ(2008)¡m¥xÆWª«ºØ¦h¼Ë©Ê£L¢w¬ã¨s²{ªp¡n¡A¹A©e·|ªL°È§½¡A373­¶

32.     ªò¼s¬L¡B´^Ãè¼Ý¡B§d¤å­õ(2008)¡m¥xÆWª«ºØ¦h¼Ë©Ê£S¢wª«ºØ¦W¿ý¡n¡A¹A©e·|ªL°È§½¡A795­¶

33.     ªò¼s¬L¡B±iºa¾ì¡BªL¨K¥ß(2010)¡m°¨¯ª³½Ãþ¹ÏŲ¡n¡C°¨¯ª¿¤¬F©²¡C

34.     ªò¼s¬L¡B´^Ãè¼Ý¡B§d¤å­õ(2010)¡m¥xÆWª«ºØ¦W¿ý¡n¡C¤¤¬ã°|¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¤¤¤ß¤Î¹A©e·|ªL°È§½¡C840­¶¡C

35.     ³¯¥¿¥­¡B¸âºa®Û¡B¸³«ØµØ¡B³¢¤Hºû¡Bªò¼s¬L(2011)¡mªF¨F³½Ãþ¥ÍºA¹ÏŲ¡n¡A¤º¬F³¡Àç«Ø¸p®ü¬v°ê®a¤½¶é¡C360­¶¡C

36.     ³¯¥¿¥­¡Bªò¼s¬L¡B¸âºa®Û¡B³¢¤Hºû¡B³¯ÀR©É(2011)¡m¾Á¤B°ê®a¤½¶é®ü°ì³½Ãþ¹ÏŲ (¼W­×¥¿ª©) ¡n¡C¾Á¤B°ê®a¤½¶éºÞ²z³B¡C650­¶¡C

37.     ªò¼s¬L¡B¶À²QªÚ¡Bªô­§¤å¡B³¯¤Ñ¥ô¡B¦ó¥­¦X¡B»¯¥@¥Á(2011)¡m±`¨£³½¤¶¨©Ãþ¹ÏŲ¡C¥xÆW¬Ùº®·|¡C232­¶¡C

38.     ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯ÀR©É¡B¸­«Ø¦¨¡BÁ¨ӥÉ(2011)¡m¶®¬ü(¹F®©)±Úªº³½¡n¡C¥xªF¿¤¬F©²¡C231­¶¡C

39.     ¥îº~ÀM¡Bªò¼s¬L¡B¿à¬KºÖ¡BªL¨K¥ß¡B²ø´ÐµØ(2012)¡m©Ôº~¥@¬É³½Ãþ¨t²Î¦W¨å¡n¡C°ò¶©¥«¤ô²£¥Xª©ªÀ¡C

40.     ªò¼s¬L¡B¹ù¹B§Ó(2012)¡m¥xÆW®üÂA¿ï¾Ü«ü«n¡n ¡C¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¡C

41.     ªò¼s¬L¡B¹ù¹B§Ó(2012)¡m¦L¶H²`®ü¡n¡C128­¶¡C°ê¥ß®ü¬v¥Íª«³Õª«À]¡C

42.     ªò¼s¬L¡B¶À²QªÚ¡Bªô­§¤å¡B³¯¤Ñ¥ô¡B¦ó¥­¦X¡B»¯¥@¥Á(2011)¡m±`¨£³½¤¶¨©Ãþ¹ÏŲ¡n¡C·s¥_¥«¡F¥xÆW¬Ùº®·|

43.     ¥îº~ÀM¡Bªò¼s¬L¡B¿à¬KºÖ (2012) ¡m ©Ôº~¥@¬É³½Ãþ¨t²Î¦W¨å¡n¡C¤ô²£¥Xª©ªÀ¡A601­¶¡C

44.     ³¯¸q¶¯¡B´¿´¸½å¡Bªò¼s¬L(2012)¡m¥xÆW²H¤ô³½Ãþ¬õ¥Ö®Ñ¡n¡C¥x¥_¥«¡A¹A©e·|ªL°È§½¡CP.242

45.     ªò¼s¬L¡BªL¨K¥ß¡B¬_¼z¬Â¡B³¯¶®ªÚ¡B±iºa¾ì¡B¤ýª³µa¡B§õ­Zº·¡B³¯ÀR©É¡B¾G±¬»·¡B½²¯ÀºÂ¡B¿½´°¤¯(2012)¡m°¨¯ª³½Ãþ¹ÏŲ(The Fishes of Matsu) ¡C³s¦¿¿¤¬F©²¡CP.237

46.     ¹ù¹B§Ó¡B±iºÍª@¡Bªò¼s¬L(2012) ¡m¼é¦Áªº©I³ê-±´¯Á¥_®ü©¤¼é¶¡±a¡n¡C¥_®ü©¤Æ[­µ¤s­·´ººÞ²z³B¡CP.215

47.     ªò¼s¬L¡Bªò«³¹F¡BªL¨K¥ß(2012)¡m¥xÆW¬À·äÁG³½Ãþ¡n¡C±á¬P¥Xª©ªÀ¡C2012/7

48.     ªò¼s¬L¡B¹ù¹B§Ó (2013)¡m¥xÆW®üÂA¿ï¾Ü«ü«n-²Ä¤Gª©¡n Seafood Guide of Taiwan -2nd Edition¡C¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¡C

49.     ªò¼s¬L¡A³¯ÄR²Q¡A¶À±X¿Ñ¡A¿à¦Ê½å(2013)¡m¥xÆW¬À·äÁG³½Ãþ¡n³½Ãþ¹ÏŲ¡C»·¬y¥Xª©¤½¥q¡C264­¶

50.     ªò¼s¬L¡AªL©¯§U¥D½s¡m«næ¨U®ü¡G«n¨F¤Ó¥­®q¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¡nA Frontier in the South China Sea: Biodiversity of Taiping Island, Nansha Islands¡C¤º¬F³¡Àç«Ø¸p¡C

51.     ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯ÀR©É¡B½²¥¿¤@(2015)¡m³½Ãþªº¥ì¨l¶é¢w®Ö¤T¶i¤ô¤f®ü¬v«OÅ@°Ï¡n¡C¥xÆW¹q¤OªÑ¥÷¦³­­¤½¥q¡C300­¶¡C

52.     ªò¼s¬L¡B±iºÍª@¡B¾G©ú­×¡B¶î¤l¸©¡Bªô­§¤å¡B¦ó㪳¡B³¯¤Ñ¥ô¡B¦ó¥­¦X¡B»¯¥@¥Á¡B²ø¦u¥¿¡BªL¨K¥ß(2015)¡m¥xÆW±`¨£¸gÀ٩ʤô²£°Ê´Óª«¹ÏŲ¡n¡Cº®·~¸p¡C2015¡C

53.     ªò¼s¬L ¡]2017¡^ ªò¦Ñ®vªº®ü¬vÁ¿°ó¡X106¦~®ü¬vÁ¿°ó¨t¦C±M®Ñ¡]I)¡C¦æ¬F°|¹A·~©e­û·|º®·~¸pº®·~¼s¼½¹q¥x¥Xª©¡C103­¶

54.     ªò¼s¬L¡]2018¡^¥xÆW®üÂA¿ï¾Ü«ü«n²Ä4ª©¡C¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|¼Æ¦ì¤å¤Æ¤¤¤ß½s¦L¡]2018¦~5¤ë­×­q¡^

55.     ªò¼s¬L ¡]2019¡^ ªò¦Ñ®vªº®ü¬vÁ¿°ó¡X107¦~®ü¬v±Ð¨|¨t¦C±M®Ñ¡]II)¡C¦æ¬F°|¹A·~©e­û·|º®·~¸pº®·~¼s¼½¹q¥x¥Xª©¡C8-74­¶

56.     ªò¼s¬L丶§EªY©É丶«À¬î¦p丶§fÖöºû丶Ĭ²a丶²ø¦u¥¿¡B¶À¥@±l¡]2020¡^¡m¥xÆW¦ÊºØ®ü¬v°Êª«¡n¡C®ü¬v«O¨|¸p¥Xª©¡A217­¶

57.     ªò¼s¬L丶ªL·RÀs¡]2021¡^¥xÆW®üÂA¿ï¾Ü«ü«n5.0ª©¡C¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|¼Æ¦ì¤å¤Æ¤¤¤ß¤Î¥xÆW®ü¬v«O¨|»Pº®·~¥ÃÄò°òª÷·|½s¦L

58.     ±i¬K¥ú¡Bªò¼s¬L¡B¥îº~ÀM¡B»¯¨È½÷ (2021) ¡m¤¤°ê¥Íª«ª«ºØ¦W¿ý¡n²Ä¤G¨÷¡A°Êª«.¯á´Õ°Êª«.V¡A³½Ãþ(¤W¡B¤U ¥U) ¬ì¾Ç¥Xª©ªÀ

59.     ªò¼s¬L¡Bªôµú³Ç¡B¶À«H³Í¡B³¯¶®ªÚ¡]2024¡^³½¤j¤Q¤KÅÜ-³½§Z¤Î¥J¸X³½¦h¼Ë©Ê¹ÏŲ¡C°ê®a®ü¬v¬ã¨s°|¥Xª©¡C¤W¤U¦@¨â¥U

60.     ¼B±Ó¡Bªò¼s¬L¡BYvonne Sadovy¡B³¯Å»¡]2024¡^¤¤国®ü¬v鱼类图鉴¡]Marine fishes of China and adjacent waters¡^¡C®ü®l¥Xª©µo¦æ¶°¹Î/®ü®l®Ñ§½


B-1: ­^¤å´Á¥Z½×¤å (Peer reviewed journal articles)

1.        Shao, K.T.* (1971) Preliminary report of Cladocera found in fish ponds during winter season. Life, Ass. of Zool., National Taiwan University. (3): 50-55.¥x¤j³½¦ÀªK¨¤¥ØºØÃþ¥V©u½Õ¬dªì¨B³ø§i. ¥Í©R´Á¥Z.

2.        Chang, K.H.*, C.P. Chen, H.L. Hsieh, and K.T. Shao (1977) An experiment on the evaluation of artificial reefs with invertebrate community. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 16(1): 37-48.

3.        Chang, K.H.*, S.C. Lee, and K.T. Shao (1977) Evaluation of artificial reef efficiency based on the studies of model reef fish community installed in northern Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 16(1): 23-36.

4.        Chang, K.H.*, S.C. Lee, and K.T. Shao (1978) A list of forty newly recorded coral fishes in Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 17(1): 75-78.

5.        Shao, K.T. and K.H. Chang* (1978) A revision of the sandborers (Genus Sillago) of Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 17(1): 1-11.

6.        Jan, R.Q., K.T. Shao, and K.H. Chang* (1981) A study of diurnal periodicity in oxygen consumption of  the small abalone (Haliotis diversicolor suprertexta Licschke). Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 20(1): 1-8.

7.        Jan, R.Q., K.T. Shao, and K.H. Chang* (1981) Extract of sea lettuce Ulva reduces oxygen consumption  of abalone (Haliotis diversicolor supertexta Lischke). Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 20(1): 83-85.

8.        Shao, K.T. *, F.J. Rohlf (1983) Sampling distribution of consensus indices when all bifurcating trees are equally likely. Mathematical Sciences. (1): 132-135

9.        Chang, K.H.*, R.Q. Jan, and K.T. Shao (1983) Community ecology of the marine fishes on Lutao Island, Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 22(2): 141-155.

10.     Oden, N.* and K.T. Shao (1984) An algorithm to equiprobably generate all directed trees with K labeled terminal nodes and unlabeled interior nodes. Bull. Math. Biol. 46(3): 379-387.

11.     Peng, S.C., K.T. Shao, and K.H. Chang* (1984) Age and growth of small abalone, Haliotis diversicolor supertexta (Lischke), in Hualien, Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 23(1): 29-38.

12.     Shao, K.T.* and W. Chang  (1985) Phylogenetic inference of Priacanthidae from morphometric studies. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 24(2): 273-288.

13.     Shao, K.T*, K.H. Chang, and W. Chang (1985) Notes on the six new records of damselfishes (Pisces: Pomacentridae) from Taiwan. (°O»OÆW²£¤»ºØ·s°O¿ý¤§³¶ÄK¬ì³½Ãþ) J. Taiwan Mus. 38(2): 39-46.

14.     Sokal, R.R. and K.T. Shao* (1985) Character stability in 39 data sets. Syst. Zool. 34(1): 83-89.

15.     Shao, K.T.* (1986) A consensus index method for comparing two classifications at different taxonomic levels. Bull. Soc. Entomol., NCHU. (19): 1-6.

16.     Shao, K.T.* (1986) Numerical taxonomic studies on damselfishes (Pisces: Pomacentridae) -- I. the species and distributions of damselfishes in Taiwan. Bull. Sun Yat-Sen Univ. (3): 99-114.

17.     Shao, K.T.* (1986) Thirteen new records of the labrid fishes (Pisces: Labridae) from Taiwan. (»OÆW²£¤Q¤TºØ·s°O¿ý¤§¶©ÀY³½¬ì³½Ãþ) J. Taiwan Mus. 39(1): 181-196.

18.     Shao, K.T.* R.R. Sokal (1986) Significance tests of consensus indices. Syst. Zool. 35(4): 582-590.

19.     Shao, K.T.* and J.P. Chen (1986) Ten new records of cardinalfishes from Taiwan, with a synopsis of the family Apogonidae. J. Taiwan Mus. 39(2): 61-104.

20.     Shao, K.T., S.C. Shen*, and L.W. Chen (1986) A newly recorded sandborer, Sillago (Sillaginopodys) chondropus Bleeker, with a synopsis of the fishes of family Sillaginidae of Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 25(2): 141-150.

21.     Shao, K.T.*, S.R. Kuo, and C.C. Lee (1986) Additional seven new records of damselfishes (Pisces: Pomacentridae) from Taiwan with description on the two anomalies of damselfish specimens. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 25(2): 151-160.

22.     Shao, K.T.*, S.R. Kuo, and C.C. Lee (1986) Eleven new records of fishes from Taiwan. J. Taiwan Mus. 39(2): 111-122.

23.     Lin, L.H. and K.T. Shao* (1987) Fishes of the family Sphyraenidae of Taiwan. J. Taiwan Mus. 40(2): 73-89.

24.     Lin, L.H. and K.T. Shao* (1987) Intraspecific and interspecific relationships of Sphyraenidae from Taiwan via morphometric and electrophoretic studies. Acta Ocean. Taiwan. (18): 24-38.

25.     Shao, K.T.* (1987) First record of Scombropidae (Pisces: Percoidei) from Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 26(3): 191-194.

26.     Shao, K.T.* and J.P. Chen (1987) Fishes of the family Platycephalidae (Teleostei: Platycephaloidei) of Taiwan with descriptions of two new species. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 26(1): 77-94.

27.     Shao, K.T.*, J.P. Chen, and M.H. Jzeng (1987) New records of gobiid fishes associated with snapping shrimps from Taiwan. J. Taiwan Mus. 40(1): 57-69.

28.     Shao, K.T.*, L.W. Chen, and S.C. Lee (1987) Eight new records of groupers (Percoidei: Serranidae) from Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 26(1): 69-75.

29.     Yang, J.T., C.T. Yang*, and K.T. Shao (1987) Numerical taxonomic studies on the Asiracinae and Tropidocephalini (Fulgoroidae: Delphacidae) from Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 26(3): 215-230.

30.     Chang, K.H. and K.T. Shao* (1988) The Sea farming projects in Taiwan. Acta Ocean. Taiwan. (19): 52-59.

31.     Chen, M.H. and K.T. Shao* (1988) Fishes of Triglidae (Scorpaenoidei) from Taiwan. J. Taiwan Mus. 41(1): 127-138.

32.     Shao, K.T.* (1988) Fauna and community structure of subtidal fishes at Lanyu (Bote Tobago) Taiwan (ÄõÀ¬ªº¨È¼é±a³½Ãþ¬Û»P¨ä¸s»Eºc³y). Ann. Taiwan Mus. (¥xÆW¬Ù¥ß³Õª«À]¦~¥Z). 31: 51-69.

33.     Shao, K.T.* and J.P. Chen (1988) Twelve new records of fishes from Taiwan. J. Taiwan Mus. 41(1): 113-125.

34.     Shao, K.T.* and S.R. Kuo (1988) Species composition and seasonal distribution of impinged fishes at the two intakes along the northern coast of Taiwan. Acta Zool. Taiwan. (2): 209-227.

35.     Chen, W.Y., W.C. Su*, K.T. Shao, and C.P. Lin (1989) Morphometric Studies of the grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) from the waters around Taiwan. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan. 16(3): 153-163.

36.     Shao, K.T.* and L.W. Chen (1989) Fishes of the family Scaridae from Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 28(1): 15-39.

37.     Shao, K.T.* (1989) A new approaches of biological systematics --- principle and applications of consensus methods (¥Íª«¨t²Î¤ÀÃþ¾Çªº·s°Ê¦V--¤½¦Pªkªº­ì²z»PÀ³¥Î). Chinese Bioscience (¥Íª«¬ì¾Ç). 32(1): 23-28.

38.     Chen, J.P., K.T. Shao*, and H.K. Mok (1990) A review of the Myripristin fishes from Taiwan with description of a new species. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 29(4): 249-264. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 78-0211-B-001-20

39.     Shao, K.T.* (1990) Garden eels from Taiwan, with description of a new species. UO. (40): 1-16. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 79-0211-B-001-46

40.     Shao, K.T.* and R.R. Sokal (1990) Tree balance. Syst. Zool. 39(3): 266-276.

41.     Shao, K.T.*, C.P. Lin, L.T. Ho, and P.L. Lin (1990) Study on the fish communities from northern and southern waters of Taiwan by analyzing the impingement data. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan. 17(2): 73-90. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 79-0211-B-001-09

42.     Shao, K.T.*, P.H. Kao, and C.C Lee (1990) Fish fauna and species composition in the waters around Tunghsiao, northwest Taiwan (³q¾]ªþªñ®ü°ì¤§³½Ãþ¬Û¤Î¨ä³½ºØ²Õ¦¨). Ann. Taiwan. Mus. (¥xÆW¬Ù¥ß³Õª«À]¦~¥Z). 33: 77-90.

43.     Chen, L.J. and K.T. Shao* (1991) A review of the families Ophidiidae and Bythitidae from Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 30(1): 9-18.

44.     ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 77-0211-B-001-26

45.     Chen, L.S., K.T. Shao*, L.S. Fang, and L.T. Ho (1991) Preliminary checklist of fishes from the waters at Tung-Sha Tao (Pratas Island) South China Sea.. Acta Ocean. Taiwan. (27): 98-121.

46.     Chiu, T.S. and K.T. Shao (1991) Fish fauna database in Taiwan. CODATA Bulletin. 5: 89-96.

47.     Kuo, S.R. and K.T. Shao* (1991) Feeding habits of damselfishes (Pomacentridae) from the southern part of Taiwan. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan. 18(3): 165-176. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 77-0802-4098

48.     K.T. Shao* (1991) Review and bibliography of the coral reef fish studies in Taiwan (¥xÆW¬À·äÁG³½Ãþ¬ã¨s¤§µo®i·§ªp¤Î¤åÄm¥Ø¿ý). Chinese Bioscience (¥Íª«¬ì¾Ç). 34(1): 41-52.

49.     Chen, J.P., K.T. Shao*, L.T. Ho, L.S. Chen, P.H. Kao, and Y.Y. Wu (1992) Fish fauna and their geographical distribution in the coastal waters around Hsiao-liu-chiu, Southwestern Taiwan. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 3(2): 105-134. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 80-0209-B-001-01

50.     Shao, K.T.* and L.S. Chen (1992) Evaluating the effectiveness of the coal ash artificial reefs at Wan-li, northern Taiwan. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan. 19(4): 239-250. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 79-0211-B-001-09

51.     Shao, K.T.*, P.H. Kao (1992) Species Composition and Catch Statistics of the Gill Net Fisheries in the Waters around Tunghsiao, Northwest Taiwan (³q¾]®ü°ì¬y¨ëºôº®·~¤§³½ºØ²Õ¦¨¤Î¨äº®·~²Î­p¸ê®Æ¤§½Õ¬d¬ã¨s). Bulletin of Marine Science and Technology (®ü¬v¬ì§Þ·|¥Z) (11): 89-101

52.     Shao, K.T.*, L. J. Chen, and L.S.Chen (1992) First record of the subfamily Pyramodontinae (Pisces: Carapidae) from Taiwan. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 3(1): 1-4. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 77-0211-B-001-20

53.     Shao, K.T.*, Shih-Chieh Shen, Tai-Sheng Chiu, Chyng-Shyan Tzeng (1992) Distribution and Database of Fishes in Taiwan. ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|´Óª«¬ã¨s©Ò±M¥Z(11): 173-206.

54.     Chen, I.S. and K.T. Shao* (1993) Two new records of freshwater gobies from southern Taiwan. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 4 (2): 75-79.

55.     Chen, J.P. and K.T. Shao* (1993) A new record of flathead fish, Rogadius patriciae (Platycephalidae), from Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 32(2): 153-156. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 79-0211-B-001-09

56.     Chen, J.P. and K.T. Shao* (1993) New species of cardinalfish, Archamia goni (Pisces: Apogonidae), from Taiwan. Copeia. 1993(3): 781-784. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 82-0409-B-019-009

57.     Ho, L.T., K.T. Shao*, J.P. Chen, and P.L. Lin (1993) Descriptions of ten new records of fishes found from Hsiao-liu-chiu and Pescadores Islands, Taiwan. J. Taiwan Museum. 46(1): 5-15. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 80-0209-B-001-20

58.     Shao, K.T.* and I.S. Chen (1993) Seven new records of gobiid fishes from Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sini. 32(4): 229-235.

59.     Shao, K.T.*, J.P. Chen, P.H. Kao, and C.Y. Wu (1993) Fish fauna and their geographical distribution along the western coast of Taiwan. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 4(2): 113-140. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 82-0409-B-010-009

60.     Chen, H.M, K.T. Shao*, and J.P. Chen (1994) A review of the Muraenid eels (family Muraenidae) from Taiwan with descriptions of twelve new records. Zoological Studies. 33(1): 44-64.

61.     Chen, J.P., K.T. Shao*, and C.P. Lin (1994) A new additional fish family Microdesmidae, (Pisces: Gobioidei) in Taiwan. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 5(2): 79-84. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 82-0409-B-019-009

62.     Lin P.L., K.T. Shao*, and J.P. Chen (1994) Five new records of coastal fishes from western Taiwan. Zoological Studies. 33(2): 174-176. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 82-0409-B-019-009

63.     Shao, K.T.*, P.L. Lin, L.S. Chen, and L.Y. Hsieh (1994) Catalogue of the fish specimens held in the National Marine Science Museum (I). Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 5(1): 47-76.

64.     Wang, S.C., J.P. Chen, and K.T. Shao* (1994) Four new records of labrid fishes (Pisces: Labridae) from Taiwan. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 5(1): 41-45. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 80-0209-B-001-01

65.     Chen, H.M. and K.T. Shao* (1995) New eel genus, Cirrimaxilla, and description of the type species, Cirrimaxilla formosa (Pisces: Muraenidae) from southern Taiwan. Bull. Mar. Sci. 57(2): 328-332. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 77-0211-B-001-26

66.     Chen, I.S., K.T. Shao*, and L.S. Fang (1995) A new species of freshwater goby Schismatogobius ampluvinculus (Pisces: Gobiidae) from southeastern Taiwan. Zool. Stud. 34(3): 202-205. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 83-409-B-019-101

67.     Chen, J.P. and K.T. Shao* (1995) New species of wrasse, Pseudocoris ocellatus (Pisces: Labridae), from Taiwan. Copeia. 1995(3): 689-693. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 83-0409-B-019-010

68.     Chen, J.P., K.T. Shao*, and C.P. Lin (1995) A checklist of reef fishes from Tungsha Tao (Pratas Island), South China Sea. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 6(2): 13-40

69.     Gill, A.C.*, K.T. Shao, and J.P. Chen (1995) Pseudochromis striatus, a new species of pseudochromine dottyback from Taiwan and the northern Philippines (Teleostei: Perciformes: Pseudochromidae). Revue franc. Aquariol. 21(3/4): 79-82. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 82-0409-B-019-009

70.     Kuo, S.T., C.C. Hsu, and K.T. Shao* (1995) Experiences of coal ash artificial reefs in Taiwan. Chemistry and Ecology. 10: 233-247. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 79-0211-B-001-09

71.     Lin, P.L., K.T. Shao*, and S.C. Shen (1995) Records of the genus Asterorhombus (Family: Bothidae) and its two species from northern Taiwan and Taiping Island. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 6(1): 25-32.

72.     Chen, H.M., K.T. Shao*, and C.T. Chen (1996) A new moray eel, Gymnothorax niphostigmus (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) from northern and eastern Taiwan. Zool. Stud. 35(1): 20-24. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC-77-0211-B-001-26

73.     Chen, I.S. and K.T. Shao* (1996) A taxonomic review of the gobiid fish genus Rhinogobius Gill, 1859, from Taiwan, with descriptions of three new species. Zool. Stud. 35(3): 200-214. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 83-6019-B-031

74.     Chen, I.S., K.T. Shao*, and L.S. Fang (1996) Three new records of gobiid fishes from the estuary of Tzengweng river, south-western Taiwan. J. Taiwan Museum. 49(1): 1-5.

75.     Kao, P.H. and K.T. Shao* (1996) Five new records of lanternfishes, genus Diaphus (Pisces: Myctophidae) from Taiwan. Acta. Zoologica Taiwanica. 7(2): 1-8.

76.     Wang, S.C., K.T. Shao*, and S.C. Shen (1996) Enneapterygius cheni, a new triplefin fish (Pisces: Tripterygiidae) from Taiwan. Acta. Zoologica Taiwanica. 7(1): 79-83. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 83-0409-B-019-010

77.     Chen, I.S. and K.T. Shao* (1997) Fusigobius aureus, a new species of gobiid fish (Pisces, Gobiidae) from Flores Island, Indonesia. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 8(2): 87-92.

78.     Chen, I.S., J.P. Chen, and K.T. Shao* (1997) Twelve new records and two rare species of marine gobies from Taiwan. Zool. Stud. 36(2): 127-135. ­pµe½s¸¹: NSC 83-6019-B-031

79.     Chen, J.P., R.Q. Jan, and K.T. Shao* (1997) Checklist of reef fishes from Taiping Island (Itu Aba Island), Spratly Islands, South China Sea. Pac. Sci. 51(2): 143-166.

80.     Shao, K.T.* and D. F. Hwang (1997) Rhinochimaera pacifica, (Chimaeriformes: Rhinochimaeridae), the first Rhinochimaerid recorded from Taiwan. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 8(2): 97-102.

81.     Chen, I.S*, C.H. Hsu, C.F. Hui, K.T. Shao, P. J. Miller* and L.S. Fang (1998) Sequence length and variation in the mitochondrial control region of two freshwater fishes belonging to Rhinogobius (Teleostei: Gobioidei). Journal of Fish Biology. 53 (1): 179-191.

82.     Chen, J.P., I.S. Chen, and K.T. Shao* (1998) Review of the marine gobiid genus Amblyeleotris (Pisces, Gobiidae) with seven new records from Taiwan. Zool. Stud. 37(2):111-118.

83.     Hwang, D.F.*, L.T. Chien, K.T. Shao, S.S. Jeng (1998) Levels of Heavy Metals and Vitamin C in Deformed Thornfish found in Thermal Waters and Effect of Vitamin C on Deformation of Thornfish. Fisheries Science 64(2): 291-294.

84.     Chen, I.S. and K.T. Shao* (1998) A new species of goby, Sicyopus cebuensis (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Cebu Island, Philippines. Acta. Zool. Taiwanica 9(2): 97-103.

85.     Lin, H.J. and K.T. Shao* (1998) Temporal changes in the abundance and growth of intertidal Thalassia hemprichii seagrass beds in southern Taiwan. Botanical Bull. of Acad. Sini. 39(3): 191-198.

86.     Hung, T.C.*, C.C. Huang and K.T. Shao (1998) Ecological survey of coastal water adjacent to nuclear power plants in Taiwan. Chemistry and Ecology, 15: 129-142.

87.     Kuo, S.R.* and K.T. Shao (1998) Spatial and temporal variation of fish community in the mangrove swamps along the western coast of Taiwan. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan. 25(3): 171-187.

88.     Lin, P.L. and K.T. Shao* (1999) A review of the carangids fishes (Family Carangidae) from Taiwan with descriptions of five new records. Zool. Stud. 38(1): 33-68.

89.     Chen, I.S., H.L. Wu, K.T. Shao* (1999) A New Species of Rhinogobius (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Fujian Province, China. Ichthyological Research. 46 (2):171-178.

90.     Kuo, S.R., H.J. Lin and K.T. Shao* (1999) Fish assemblages in the mangrove creeks of northern & southern Taiwan. Estuaries. 22(4): 973-984.

91.     Lin, H.J., K.T. Shao*, S.R. Kuo, H.C. Hsieh, S.L. Wong, I.M. Chen, W.T. Lo and J.J. Jung (1999) A trophic model of a sandy barrier lagoon at Chiku in southwestern Taiwan. Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science. 48: 578-588.

92.     Lin, H.J. and K.T. Shao* (1999) Seasonal and diel changes in a subtropical mangrove fish assemblage. Bull. Mar. Sci. 65(3): 775-794

93.     Chen, K.C., K.T. Shao* and J.S. Yang* (1999) Using micropylar ultrastructure for species identification and phylogenetic inference among four species of Sparidae. J. Fish. Biol., 55(2): 288-300.

94.     Kuo, S.R. and K.T. Shao* (1999) Species composition of fish in the coastal zone of the Tzeng-wen Estuary, with description of five new records from Taiwan. Zoo. Stud. 38(4):391-404.

95.     Chen, L.S., J.P. Chen and K.T. Shao* (1999) Seven new records of coral reef fishes from Taiwan. Acta Zool. Taiwanica. 10(2): 113-119.

96.     Shao*, K.T., J.P. Chen, S.C. Wang (1999) Biogeography and Database of Marine Fishes in Taiwan Waters. Soc. Fr. Ichtyol.pp:673-680.

97.     Chen, J.P. and K.T. Shao* (2000) Callogobius nigrimarginatus, a new species of goby. Bull. Mar. Sci. 66(2): 457-466.

98.     Lin, S.J., D.F. Hwang*, K.T. Shao, and S.S. Jeng (2000) Toxicity of Taiwanese gobies. Fisheries Sciences. 66: 547-552.

99.     Chen, I.S., B, Seret, C. Pollabauer and K.T. Shao* (2001) Schismatogobius fuligimentus, a new species of freshwater goby (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from New Caledonia. Zool. Stud. 40(2):141-146

100.   Kuo, S.R., H.J. Lin* and K.T. Shao* (2001) Seasonal change in abundance and composition of fish assemblages in Chiku lagoon, southwestern Taiwan. Bull. of Mar. Sci. 68(1): 85-99.

101.   Jan, R.Q., J.P. Chen, C.Y. Lin and K.T. Shao* (2001) Long-term monitoring of the coral reef fishes communities around a nuclear power plant. Aquatic Ecology. 35:233-243.

102.   Lin, H.J*., J.J. Hung, K.T. Shao and F. Kuo (2001) Trophic functioning and nutrient flux of a highly productive tropical lagoon. Oecologia 129:395-406.

103.   Chen, J.P. and K.T. Shao* (2002) Plectranthias sheni, a New Species and P. kamii, a New Record of Anthiine Fishes (Perciformes: Serranidae) from Taiwan. Zool. Stud. 41(1):63-68.

104.   Shao K.T. *, K.C. Chen and J.H. Wu (2002) Identification of marine fish eggs in Taiwan using light microscope, scanning electric microscope and mtDNA sequencing. J. Mar. Fresh. Res. 53:355-365.

105.   Lin, H. J. & K. T. Shao* (2002) The development of subtidal fouling assemblages on arificial structures in Keelung harbor, northern Taiwan. Zool. Stud. 41(2):170-182.

106.   Shao, K.T. *, L.Y. Hsieh, Y.Y. Wu and C.Y. Wu (2002) Taxonomic and distributional database of fishes in Taiwan. Env. Biol. Fish. 65: 235-240

107.   Chang-liao N.H, K.L.Tan*, C.F.Huei, K.T. Shao (2002) Molecular Phylogeny of 48 species of damselfishes (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) using 12S mtDNA sequences. Mol. Phy. & Evol. 25:445-454

108.   Ablan MCA, McManus JW, Chen, CA, K.T. Shao Bell J, Cabanban AS, Tuan VS, Arthana IW (2002) Meso-scale transboundary units for the management of coral reefs in the South China Sea Area. Naga 25: 4-10

109.   Wang, M. C., W. A. Walker, K. T. Shao and L.-S. Chou (2002) Comparative analysis of the diets of pygmy and dwarf sperm whales in Taiwan waters. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica 13(2):53-62.

110.   Lin, H.J.*, K.T. Shao, W.L. Chiou, C.J.W. Maa, H.L. Hsieh, W.L. Wu, L.L. Severinghaus & Y.T.Wang (2003) Biotic communities of freshwater marshes and mangroves in relation to saltwater incursions: implications for wetland regulation. Biodiversity and Conservation 12(4):647-665

111.   Chen, J.P., P.L. Lin and K.T. Shao* (2003) Three new record fishes of Holocentridae from southern Taiwan. Platax 1(1): 5-12

112.   Jan R.Q., Y.H. Liu, C.Y. Chen, M.C. Wang, G.S. Song, H.C. Lin and K.T. Shao* (2003) Effects of pile size of artificial reefs on the standing stocks of fishes. Fisheries Research 63:327-337.

113.   Randall J.E., K.T. Shao and J.P. Chen* (2003) A review of the Indo-Pacific gobiid fish Genus Ctenogobiops, with descriptions of two new species. Zool. Stud. 42(4):506-515.

114.   Wang M.C., W.A. Walkers, K.T. Shao, L.S. Chou* (2003) Feeding habits of pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata , off the eastern coast of Taiwan. Zool. Stud. 42(2):368-378.

115.   Chen Y. C., J. P. Chen and K. T. Shao* (2003) Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Fish Assemblage in the Tapon-Bay Lagoon in the Southwest Taiwan. Journal of the Environmental Protection Society, R. O. C. 26(1):71-95 June, 2003

116.   Chiou, M.L., T. Iwamoto, K.T. Shao* (2004) A New Species, Caelorinchus sheni, and 19 new records of grenadiers (Pisces: Gadiformes, Macrouridae) from Taiwan. Zool. Stud. 43 (1):35-50.

117.   Ho H.C. and K.T. Shao* (2004) New Species of Deep-Sea Ceratioid Anglerfish, Oneirodes pietschi (Lophiiformes: Oneirodidae), from the North Pacific Ocean. Copeia 2004(1):74-77.

118.   Chiou, M. L., K.T. Shao* and T. Iwamoto. (2004) New species of Caelorinchus (Macrouridae, Gadiformes, Teleostei) from Taiwan with a redescription of C. brevirostris Okamura. Copeia 2004(2): 298-304.

119.   Chen C.A., T.C. Hsui, M. Ablan, J. MacManus, J. Bell, V.S. Tuan, A. Cannabel and K.T. Shao* (2004) Population structure and genetic variability of the six bar wrasse, Thalassama hardwickii, in the northern South China Sea revealed by the mitochondrial control region sequences. Mar. Biotech. 2004(6): 312-326.

120.   Chen C.A., M.C. AnonuevoAblan, J.W. McManus, J. DiepernkBell, V.S. Tuan, A.S. Cabanban, K.T. Shao*¡]2004¡^Variable numbers of tandem repeats¡]VNTRs¡^, heteroplasmy, and sequence variation of the mitochondrial control region in the three-spot Dascyllus, Dascyllus trimaculatus¡]Perciformes:Pomacentridae¡^Zool. Stud. 43(4):803-812.

121.   Liao, Y.C., L.S. Chen*, K.T. Shao and I.S. Chen (2004) A review of parrotfshes (Perciformes: Scaridae) of Taiwan with descriptions of four new recorded species and one doubtful species. Zool. Stud. 43(3):519-536.

122.   Huh C. A.*, C.C. Su,Y. Y. Tu, K.T. Shao, C. Y. Chen, I. J. Cheng (2004) Marine environmental radioactivity near nuclear power plants in northern Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Techology. 12, (5):418-423.

123.   Lin H. J.*, K. T. Shao, J. S. Hwang.,W. T. Lo, I. J. Cheng, and L. H. Lee (2004) A trophic model for Kuosheng Bay in northern Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 12 (5): 424-432.

124.   Liao Y. C., L. S. Chen, K. T. Shao*, and Y. Y. Tu (2004) Temporal changes in fish assemblage from the impingement data at the second nuclear power plant, northern Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 12(5):411-417.

125.   Chen C.Y., K.T. Shao¡¯, and Y.Y. Tu (2004) Effect of thermal discharges on the fish assemblages in the waters around the second Nuclear power plant in northern Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology.12(5):404-410.

126.   Wen, K. C., K. T. Shao, L. T. Ho and L. S. Chen* (2005) A comparison between clove oil and rotenone for collecting subtropical intertidal fishes. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 32 (1): 29-39.

127.   Yeh, H. M., M. Y. Lee, K. T. Shao* (2005) Fifteen Taiwanese new records of ophidid fish (Pisces: Ophidiidae) collected from the deep waters by the RV ¡§Ocean Research I¡¨. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 32 (3):279-299.

128.   Lan, C. Y., W. Y. Kao, H. J. Lin¡¯ and K. T. Shao (2005) Measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence reveals mechanisms for habitat niche separation of the intertidal seagrasses Thalassia hemprichii and Halodule uninervis. Marine Biology. 148:25-34.

129.   Lin, M. C.*, H. Y. Lin, H. H. Cheng, Y. C. Chen, C. M. Liao and K. T. Shao (2005) Risk assessment of arsenic exposure from consumption of cultured milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskål), from the arsenic-contaminated area in southwestern Taiwan. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 75(4):637-644.

130.   Leis, J. M., A. C. Hay, D. A. Clark, I. S. Chen and K. T. Shao (2006) Behavioural ontogeny in larvae and early juveniles of the giant trevally, Caranx ignobilis (Pisces:Carangidae). Fishery Bulletin. 104(3):401-414.

131.   Liao, Y. C., L. S. Chen and K. T. Shao¡¯(2006) Review of the astronesthid Fishes (Stomiiformes: Stomiidae: Astronesthinae) from Taiwan, with a description of one new species. Zoological Studies. 45(4): 517-528.

132.   Wang, M. C. and K. T. Shao¡¯ (2006) Ten new records of lanternfishes (Pisces: Myctophiformes) collected around Taiwanese waters. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 33(1):55-67.

133.   Liao, Y. C., L. S. Chen and K. T. Shao* (2006) Ten new recorded of Stomiiformes fishes (Pisces: Stomiiformes) collected from Taiwan deep waters by the RV¡¦ Ocean Researcher I¡¦. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 33(1):69-87.

134.   Yeh, H. M., M. Y. Lee and K. T. Shao* (2006) Ten Taiwanese new records of alepocephalid fishes (Pisces: Alepocephalidae) collected from Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 33(3):265-279.

135.   Chen, I. S., K. T Shao and J. P. Chen (2006) Two new species of shrimp gobiid, Amblyeleotris (Teleostei: Gobiidae), from the West Pacific. Journal of Natural History. 40(44-46):2555-2567.

136.   Yeh, H. M., M. Y. Lee and K. T. Shao* (2006) Three Taiwanese new records of halosaurid fishes (Pisces: Halosauridae) collected from the deep waters by the Research vessels. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 33(4):345-355

137.   Yeh, H. M., M. Y. Lee and K. T. Shao* (2006) Neobythites longipes Smith and Radcliffe, 1913, a Taiwanese new record of ophidiid fish (Pisces: Ophidiidae). Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 33(4)357-364.

138.   Lin, H. C.*, X. X. Dai., K. T. Shao, H. M. Su., W. T. Lo., H. L. Hsieh, L. S. Fang and J. J. Hung (2006) Trophic structuce and functioning in a eutrophic and poorly-flushed lagoon in southern Taiwan. Marine Environmental Research. 62:61-82.

139.   Motomura, H.*, S. G. Poss and K. T. Shao (2007) Scorpaena pepo, new species of scorpionfish (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) from northeastern Taiwan, with review of S. onaria Jordan and Snyder. Zoological Studies. 46(1):35-45.

140.   Randall, John E., K. T. Shao and J. P. Chen* (2007) Two new shrimp gobies of the genus Ctenogobiops (Perciformes: Gobiidae) from the western Pacific. Zoological Studies. 46(1):26-34.

141.   Chen, J. P., S. C. Ho and K. T. Shao¡¯ (2007) A new lizardfish (Aulopiformes: Synodontidae) from Taiwan, with descriptions of three new records. Zoological Studies. 46(2): 148-154

142.   Hsu, K. C., N. T. Shih, I. H. Ni and K. T. Shao¡¯ (2007) Genetic variation in Trichiurus lepturus (Perciformes: Trichiuridae) in waters off Taiwan: several species or cohort contribution? Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement. 14: 215-220.

143.   Hsu, K. C., J. P. Chen and K. T. Shao¡¯ (2007) Molecular phylogeny of Chaetodon (Teleostei: Chaetodontidae) in the Indo-West Pacific: evolution in geminate species pairs and species groups. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement. 14:77-86.

144.   Jan, R. Q., Y. T. Shao, F. P. Lin, T. Y. Fan, Y. Y. Tu, H. S. Tsai and K. T. Shao* (2007) An underwater camera system for real-time coral reef fish monitoring. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement. 14: 273-279.

145.   Chen, X. L., T. Y. Chiang, H. D. Lin, H. S. Zheng and K. T. Shao, Q. Zhang, K. C. Hsu* (2007) Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of Glyptothorax fokiensis and G. hainanensis in Asia. Journal of Fish Biology. 70:75-93.

146.   Chen, C. H., Wu, C. C., K. T. Shao and Yang, J. S. (2007) Chorion microstructure for identifying five fish eggs of Apogonidae. Journal of Fish Biology. 71 (3): 913-919.

147.   Ho, H. C. and K. T. Shao* (2007) A new species of batfish (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae) from western north and eastern central Pacific. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement. 14: 87-92.

148.   Shao, K. T.*, Y. C. Lin and H. H. Lin (2007) Linking the Taiwan fish database to the global database. Data Science Journal. Special Issue for 20th CODATA Conf. Beijing. S164-S171

149.   Shao, K. T.*, C. I. Peng, E. Yen, K. C. Lai, M. C. Wang, J. Lin, H. Lee, Y. Alan and S. Y. Chen (2007) Integration of biodiversity databases in Taiwan and linkage to global database. Data Science Journal. Special Issue for 20th CODATA Conf. Beijing. S2-S10.

150.   Lin, H. J.*, K. T. Shao, R. Q. Jan, H. L. Hsieh, C. P. Chen, L. Y. Hsieh and Y. T. Hsiao (2007) A trophic model for the Danshui River estuary, a hypoxic estuary in northern Taiwan. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 54:1789-1800.

151.   Lin, H. D., K. C. Hsu, K. T. Shao, Y. C. Chang, J. P. Wang, C. J. Lin and T. Y. Chiang* (2008) Population structure and phylogeography of Aphyocypris kikuchii (Oshima) based on mitochondrial DNA variation. Journal of Fish Biology. 72: 2011-2025.

152.   Ho, H. C. and K. T. Shao* (2008) A new species of anglerfish (Lophiidae: Lophiodes) from the western Pacific. Ichthyological Research. 55:367¡V373.

153.   Chen, I. S., Y. H. Cheng, K. T. Shao* (2008) A new species of Rhinogobius (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from the Julongjiang basin in Fujian Province, China. Ichthyological Research. 55:335¡V343.

154.   Chen, H. M., K. H. Loh and K. T. Shao* (2008) A new species of moray eel, Gymnothorax taiwanensis, (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) from eastern Taiwan. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement. 19: 131-134.

155.   Shao, K. T., H. C. Ho*, P. L. Lin, P. F. Lee, M. Y. Lee, C. Y. Tsai, Y. C. Liao, Y. C. Lin, J. P. Chen and H. M. Yeh (2008) A checklist of the fishes of southern Taiwan, northern South China Sea. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement. 19: 233¡V271.

156.   Chen, H.W., W. C. Liu, AJ Davis, F. Jordán, M. J. Hwang and K. T. Shao (2008) Network position of hosts in food webs and their parasite diversity. Oikos 117: 1847-1855.

157.   Ho, H. C. and K. T. Shao*. (2008) The batfishes (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae) of Taiwan, with descriptions of eight new records. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 35 (4): 289-313

158.   Ho, H. C., A. M. Prokofiev, T. W. Pietsch and K. T. Shao*. (2008) New records of two deep-sea anglerfishes, Oneirodes plagionema and O. pietschi, from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 35 (4): 329-334.

159.   Liao, Y. C., C. H. Chang and K. T. Shao* (2008) Twenty new records of Stomiiformes fishes (Pisces: Stomiiformes) from Taiwanese waters. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 35(4): 369-398

160.   Lee, M. Y., H. M. Chen and K. T. Shao*(2009) A new species of deep-water tonguefish genus Symphurus (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae) from Taiwan. Copeia. 2009 (2): 342¡V347.

161.   Ho, H. C., A. M. Prokofiev and K. T. Shao*. (2009). A new species of the batfish genus Malthopsis (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae) from the northwestern Indian Ocean. Zoological Studies. 48(3): 394-401.

162.   Liu, P. J., K. T. Shao, R. Q. Jan, T. Y. Fan, S. L. Wong, J. S. Hwang, J. P. Chen, C. C. Chen and H. J. Lin* (2009) A trophic model of fringing coral reefs in Nanwan Bay, southern Taiwan suggests overfishing. Marine Environmental Research 68 (2009) 106¡V117.

163.   Lin, H. J., K. T. Shao, H. L. Hsieh, W. T. Lo and X. X. Dai (2009) The effects of system-scale removal of oyster-culture racks from Tapong Bay, southwestern Taiwan: model exploration and comparison with field observations. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2009 66:797-810

164.   Liu, P. J., S. M. Lin, T. Y. Fan, P. J. Meng, K. T. Shao and H. J. Lin* (2009) Rates of overgrowth by macroalgae and attack by sea anemones are greater for live coral than dead coral under conditions of nutrient enrichment. Limnology and Oceanography. 54(4): 1167¡V1175.

165.   Liao, Y. C., R. Reyes and K. T. Shao* (2009) A new bandfish, Owstonia samiento (Pisces: Perciformes: Cepolidae: Owstoniinae), from the Philippines with key to the genus. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement. 57(2): 521-525.

166.   Hsu, K. C., N. T. Shih, I H. Ni and K. T. Shao* (2009) Speciation and population structure of three Trichiurus species based on mitochondrial DNA. Zoological Studies. 48(6): 835-849.

167.   Shao, K. T*. (2009) Marine biodiversity and fishery sustainability. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 18(4): 527-531.

168.   Ho, H. C., C. C. Lin, Y. M. Ju, K. T. Shao and C. W. Chang* (2009) Specimen catalog of Pieces collection of National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium transferred from Tunghai University. (I) Order Pleuronectiformes. Platax 6: 1-16.

169.   Ho, H. C., K. T. Shao and C. W. Chang* (2009) Three new record scorpaenoform fishes in Taiwan. Platax 6: 27-34.

170.   Liao, Y. C., L. S. Chen and K. T. Shao*. (2010) The predatory Atlantic red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, has invaded the western Taiwanese coast in the Indo-West Pacific. Biological Invasions. 12(7): 1961-1965.

171.   Iwamoto, T, H. C. Ho and K. T. Shao* (2009) Description of a new Coelorinchus (Macrouridae, Gadiformes, Teleostei) from Taiwan, with notable new records of grenadiers from the South China Sea. Zootaxa. 2326: 39-50.

172.   Ho, H.C., B Séret and K. T. Shao* (2009) Redescription of Lophiodes infrabrunneus Smith and Radcliffe, 1912, a senior synonym of L. abdituspinus Ni, Wu and Li, 1990 (Lophiiformes: Lophiidae). Zootaxa. 2326: 62-68.

173.   Chiang, T. Y., H. D. Lin, K. T. Shao and K. C. Hsu (2010). Multiple factors have shaped the phylogeography of Chinese spiny loach Cobitis sinensis in Taiwan as inferred from mitochondrial DNA variation. Journal of Fish Biology (2010) 76, 1173-1189.

174.   Yeh, H. M., M. Y. Lee, and K. T. Shao* (2010). Two New Records of Aphyonid fishes (Pisces: Aphyonidae), Aphyonus gelatinosus Günther, 1878 and Barathronus maculatus Shcherbachev, 1976, from the Deep Waters Adjacent to Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 36(3): 225-232.

175.   Ho, H. C. and K. T. Shao* (2010). A review of Malthopsis jordani Gilbert, 1905, with description of a new batfish from Indo-Pacific Ocean (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science (Ser. A) Suppl. 4, 9-19.

176.   Ho, H. C. and K. T. Shao* (2010). A new species of Chaunax (Lophiiformes: Chaunacidae) from the western South Pacific, with comment on C. latipunctatus. Zootaxa 2445: 53-61.

177.   Ho, H. C., A. M. Prokofiev and K. T. Shao* (2010). Synodus cresseyi Prokofiev, 2008, an unnecessary replacement for S. macrocephalus Cressey, 1981, and a description of a new species from the Western Indian Ocean (Teleostei: Synodontidae). Zootaxa 2419: 63¡V68.

178.   Chen, I S., N. H. Jang-Liaw, Y. C. Chang, V. W. Zhang and K. T. Shao*. (2010). Threatened fishes of the world: Squalidus banarescui Chen and Chang, 2007 (Cyprinidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 88:63-64.

179.   Lee, P. F. and K. T. Shao*. (2010). Two new records of Lamniform shark from the waters adjacent to Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 36(4) 303-311.

180.   McManus J. W.*, K. T. Shao and S. Y. Lin (2010) Toward Establishing a Spratly Islands International Marine Peace Park: Ecological Importance and Supportive Collaborative Activities with an Emphasis on the Role of Taiwan. Ocean Development & International Law, 41:270¡V280, 2010.

181.   Ho,H. C., David G. Smith, S. I. Wang, K. T. Shao, Y. M. Ju and C. W. Chang*. (2010)Specimen catalog of Pieces collection of National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium transferred from Tunghai University. (II) Order Anguilliformes. Platax 7: 13-34

182.   Lee, P. F. and K. T. Shao*. (2010). New record of the rare shark species Parmaturus melanobranchius (Scyliorhinidae) from Taiwan. Taiwania, 55(4):386-390. 2010

183.   Ho, H.-C. and K.-T. Shao*.  (2010) Parapercis randalli, a new sandperch (Pisces: Pinguipedidae) from southern Taiwan. Zootaxa 2690_ 59¡V67

184.   Wen, K. C. *,  M. S. Pratchett, K. P. Kan, K. K. Chan, and K.T. Shao . (2010)  Effects of habitat modification on coastal fish assemblages . Journal of Fish Biology 77, 1674¡V1687

185.   Chang, N.B*., H. W. Chen, S. K. Ning, H. Y. Hsu, K. T. Shao, T. C.Hung,(2010) Sizing an Off-stream Reservoir with Respect to Water Availability, Water Quality, and Biological Integrity. Enviromental modeling&assessment. 15(5)329-344

186.   Loh, K. H., K. T. Shao, H. M. Chen, (2011) Length-weight relationships for 39 species of moray eel from the waters around Taiwan. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 27 (2011), 945¡V948

187.   Ho, H. C., W.C. Chiang, K. T. Shao and C. W. Chang* (2010) Description of four new records and a key to the stromateiod fishes in Taiwan. Journal of  Fisheries Society of Taiwan,37(4):253-262

188.   Liao,Y. C, T.Y. Cheng & K.T. Shao* (2011)Parapercis lutevittata, a new cryptic species of Parapercis (Teleostei: Pinguipedidae), from the western Pacific based on morphological evidence and DNA barcoding. Zootaxa 2867: 32¡V42

189.   Chen, H.-W., K.-T. Shao, C. W.-J. Liu, W.-H. Lin and, W.-C. Liu*.(2011) The reduction of food web robustness by parasitism: Fact and artifact International Journal for Parasitology, 41:627-634

190.   Ho, H. C.and K. T. Shao*, (2011) A remarkable new record of congrid eel Blachea xenobranchialis Karrer and Smith, 1980 (Pisces: Anguilliformes) from Taiwan . Joural of Fisheries Society of Taiwan. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 37(4): 285-290

191.   Ho, H. C. and K. T. Shao * (20111) Annotated Checklist and Type Catalog of Fish Genera and Species Described From Taiwan. Zootaxa 2957: 1¡V74

192.   Collette, B. B. *, K. E. Carpenter, B. A. Polidoro, M. J. Juan-Jorda, A. Boustany, D. Die, C. Elfes, W. Fox, J.Graves, L. Harrison, C. Minte-Vera, R. McManus, R. Nelson, V. Restrepo, J. Schratwieser, A. Acero, A. Amorim, S.K. Chang, W.C. Chiang, A. D.Natale, F. L. Fredou, H. Harwell, F. H.V. Hazin, N. O. Leite Jr, R. P. Teixiera Lessa, R. Montano, H. Oxenford, Monica B. Peres, C. M. C. Ramirez, K. Schaefer, R. Serra, R. Sumaila, C.L. Sun, P. E. Travassos, S.P. Wang, R. Watson, J.L. Wu, E. Yanez-Rodrigues, K.T. Shao, S.Y. Yeh, (2011)  High Value and Long Life¡XDouble Jeopardy for Tunas and Billfishes. Science 15 July 2011: 291-292.

193.   Iwamoto, T., K. T. Shao, H. C. Ho, (2011) Elevation of Spicomacrurus (Gadiformes:Macrouridae) to generic status with description of two new species from the southwestern pacific. Bull.Mar.Sci 87(3):513¡V530.

194.   Ho, H.C., B. Séret and K. T. Shao*. (2011 )Records of anglerfishes (Lophiiformes: Lophiidae) from the western South Pacific Ocean, with descriptions of two new species. Journal of Fish Biology. 79, 1722¡V1745

195.   Wang, M. C., K. T. Shao, S. L. Huang, L. S. Chou*(2012)Food partitioning among three sympatric odontocetes(Grampus griseus, Lagenodelphis hosei, and Stenella attenuata). Marine Mammal Science 28(2): 143¡V157

196.   Ho, H. C., C. H. Chang & K. T. Shao* (2012) Two new sandperches (Perciformes:Pingipedidae: Parapercis) from south china sea,based on morphology and DNA barcoding, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology .60(1):163-172

197.   Loh, K.H.*, K. T. Shao & H.M. Chen (2012)Gymnothorax melanosomatus, a new moray eel (Teleostei: Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) from southeastern Taiwan. Zootaxa. 3134,43-52

198.   Chen, I.S., Zeehan JAAFAR & K. T. Shao*  (2012)A new Obliquogobius Koumans, 1941 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Kumejima, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Zootaxa 3367:269-273

199.   Shao K. T*. 1,Jack Lin1, C. H. Wu1,H. M. Yeh1, T. Y. Cheng1 (2012) A dataset from bottom trawl survey around Taiwan. ZooKeys 198: 103¡V109

200.   Chang, H. Y., S. H. Wu, K. T. Shao, W. Y. Kao, C. J. W.Maa, R. Q. Jan, L. L. Liu, C. S. Tzeng, J. S. Hwang,H. L. Hsieh, S. J. Kao, Y. K. Chen AND H. J. Lin*(2012) Longitudinal variation in food sources and their use by aquatic fauna along a subtropical river in Taiwan. Freshwater Biology. 9,1839-1853

201.   Chen, I. S., T. Suzuki, and K. T. Shao*(2012) A new deepwater goby of genus, Discordipinna Hoese& Fourmanoir (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from the Kume-jima of Ryukyus, Japan.  Zootaxa.3367-274-280

202.   Loh, K. H., K. T. Shao, and H. M. Chen (2012) Additions to the Taiwan marine eel fauna with first records of three rare moray eels(Anguilliformes: Muraenidae). Journal of Marine Science and Technology Vol. 20,(210-215)

203.   Chang, Y.*, M.A.Lee , K.T. Lee, K.T. Shao (2012)Adaptation of fisheries and mariculture management to extreme oceanic environmental changes and climate variability in Taiwan. Marine Policy 38 (2013) 476¡V482

204.   Deng, D, P., G. S. Mai, C. H. Hsu, C. L. Chang, T. R. Chuang, and K. T. Shao (2012) Linking open data resources for semantic enhancement of user-generated content. In book: Semantic Technology, Hideaki Takeda, Yuzhong Qu, Riichiro Mizoguchi, and Yoshinobu Kitamura (eds.), Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.362-367

205.   Dong, D. P. , G. S. Mai, C. H. Hsu, T. R. Chuang, T. E. Lin, H. H. Lin, K. T. Shao, Rob Lemmens, M. J.Kraak(2012) Using Social Media for Collaborative Species identification and Occurrence: Issues, Methods, and Tools. ACM SIGSPATIAL GEOCROWD  November 6, 2012, 12:22-29

206.   Chang, C. H., H. Y. Lin, N. H. Jang-Liaw, K. T. Shao, Y. S. Lin, H. C. Ho.* (2013) The complete mitochondrial genome of the tiger tail seahorse, Hippocampus comes (Teleostei, Syngnathidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 24(3):199-201

207.   Ko, H.L., Y.T. Wang, T.S. Chiu, M. A. Lee, M.Y. Leu, K.Z. Chang, W.Y. Chen, and K.T. Shao* (2013) Evaluating the accuracy of morphological identification of larval fishes by applying DNA barcoding. PLoS ONE. 8(1): e53451

208.   Ho, H. C. , C. D. Roberts & K. T. Shao* (2013)Revision of batfishes (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae) of New Zealand and adjacent waters, with description of two new species of the genus Malthopsis.Zootaxa .3626 (1): 188¡V200

209.   Shao, K. T*, K. C. Lai, Y. C. Lin, L. S. Chen, H. Y. Li, C. H. Hsu, H. Lee, H. W Hsu, G.S(2013) Experience and Strategy of Biodiversity Data Integration in Taiwan .  Data Science Journal. p. 61-69

210.   Lee, M.Y. , T. Munroe & K.T. Shao*(2013) Symphurus orientalis (Bleeker), redefined based on morphological and molecular characters (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae). Zootaxa.3620 (3): 379¡V403

211.   Chang, C. H., K. T. Shao, Y. S. Lin, Y. C. Liao.* (2013) The complete mitochondrial genome of the three-spot seahorse, Hippocampus trimaculatus (Teleostei, Syngnathidae). Mitochondrial DNA . 2017 Mar;28(2):227-228. doi: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1115853.  

212.   Chang,C. H., K. T. Shao, Y. S. Lin, H. C. Ho, and Y. C. Liao*(2013) The complete mitochondrial genome of the big-eye thresher shark,Alopias superciliosus (Chondrichthyes, Alopiidae), Mitochondrial DNA.25(4):290-292

213.   Chang,C. H., K. T. Shao, Y. S. Lin, W. C. Chiang, and N. H. Jang-Liaw*(2013) Complete mitochondrial genome of the megamouth shark Megachasma pelagios (Chondrichthyes, Megachasmidae), Mitochondrial DNA.25(3):185-187

214.   Lin LS, *Liao YC, Zheng J, Zheng SL, Xiang P, Yu XG, Wu RS, Shao KT (2012) Composition and distribution of fish species collected during the Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2010. Advance in Polar Science. 23(2):116-127. 

215.   Chen Y. J., Lin L. S.*, Liao Y. C., Zhang J., Song P., Yu X. G., Wu R. S., Shao K. T. (2013) Composition of fish species in Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea and its responses to changes of ecological environment. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 36(6):63-73.

216.   Chang, C. H., N. H. Jang-Liaw , Y. S. Lin, Y. C. Fang , K. T. Shao*, (2013) Authenticating the use of dried seahorses in the traditional Chinese medicine market in Taiwan using molecular forensics. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 21(3):310-316

217.   Hsu, S. L. , T. K. Liu, K.T. Chen, K.T. Shao and I. S. Chen* (2013) Three newly recorded genera and species of gobiid fishes(Teleostei:Gobiidae) form the Dongsha atoll(Pratas islands),south china sea. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 618-622

218.   Huang, S. P. , H. M. Huang, I.S. Chen*, V. C. Chong and K. T. Shao(2013)An annotated checklist of gobioid fishes from the mangrove estuary of Matang, Malay Peninsula with description of a new goby species Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 21:106-116

219.   Lin James, K. T. Shao and H. M. Chen*(2013) Taxonomic study of pike congers (Angulliformes:muraenesocidae) with identification of muraenesocid collections in Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology,21:166-174

220.   Huang, S.P. , I. S. Chen and K.T. Shao*(2013)The molecular phylogeny of genus hemigobius(teleosteo:Gobiidae), with the comfirmation of validity of Hemigobius crassa (herre,1945). Journal of Marine Science and Technology 21: 86-93

221.   Chang, C. H. , K. T. Shao, Y. S. Lin, A. Y. Tsai, P. X. Su, H. C. Ho* (2013). The complete mitochondrial genome of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus (Chondrichthyes, Lamnidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 2015 Jun;26(3):475-6. doi: 10.3109/19401736.2013.834430.  

222.   Fan Li, K. T. Shao, Y. S. Lin, C. H. Chang* (2013). The complete mitochondrial genome of the Rhodeus shitaiensis (Teleostei, Cypriniformes, Acheilognathidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 2015 Apr;26(2):301-2. doi: 10.3109/19401736.2013.825785.

223.   Chen I.S., K. T Shao*, S. L. Hsu, G. C. Gong,Y. C. Chen, and T. K. Liu (2013)DNA Barcoding of coastal larval fish communitues of DongSha island,south China Sea Revealed by mitochondrial CO1 sequences. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21:252-257

224.   Chen, I S. *, C. R. Liao, and K. T. Shao (2014) Complete mitochondrial genome of Taiwanese barbell steed, Hemibarbus schlegelii(Gunther) (Teleosteo: Cyprinidae) Mitochondrial DNA. 2015;26(6):829-31. doi: 10.3109/19401736.2013.855914

225.   Ho, H. C. *, W. . Chee, C. H. Chang and K. T. Shao (2014) Taxonomic review and DNA barcoding of the fish genus Peristedion (Scorpaeniformes: Peristediidae) in Taiwan. Platax 10: 37-55, 2013

226.   Chang, C. H. , C. J. Yao, H. Y. Yu, Y. C.  Liao N. H. Jang-Liaw, C. L. Tsai, K. T. Shao* (2014). A Molecular Forensic Method for Identifying Species Composition of Processed Marine Mammal Meats.. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 23 (2014) 65-69

227.   Chang, C. H. , Rima W. Jabado, Y.S. Lin K. T. Shao* (2014). The complete mitochondrial genome of the sand tiger shark, Carcharias taurus (Chondrichthyes, Odontaspididae). Mitochondrial DNA Vol.26: Pages 728-729

228.   Chang, C. H., K. T. Shao, Y. S. Lin, Y. C. Fangand H. C. Ho*(2014) The complete mitochondrial genome of the great white shark,Carcharodon carcharias (Chondrichthyes, Lamnidae) . Mitochondrial DNA 25(5):357-358

229.   Dong, D. P. , G. S. Mai, T. R. Chuang, Rob Lemmens, K. T. Shao(2014) Social Web Meets Sensor Web: From User-Generated Content to Linked Crowdsourced Observation Data. ACM SIGSPATIAL GEOCROWD Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2014), April 8, 2014. Seoul, Korea

230.   Chang, C. H., W. C. Chiang,Y. S. Lin, N. H. Jang-Liaw, and K. T. Shao*(2014) Complete mitochondrial genome of the longfin mako shark, Isurus paucus (Chondrichthyes, Lamnidae). Mitochondrial DNA 27(1):690-691. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.913145

231.   Lin, H. C., J. P. Chen, Benny K K Chan & K. T. Shao*(2014) The interplay of sediment characteristics, depth, water temperature, and ocean currents shaping the biogeography of lancelets (Subphylum Cephalochordata) in the northwest Pacific waters. Marine Ecology. 36(3):780-793

232.   ªò¼s¬L¡B§õÃv¡BªL¥Ã©÷¡B¿à©ø¸R(2014) ®ü¬v¥Íª«¦h样©Ê«H®§¸ê·½. ¥Íª«¦h样©ÊBiodiversity Science  2014, 22 (3): 253¡V263

233.   Chang, C. H., N. H. Jang-Liaw, Y. S. Lin, Aaron Carlisle, H. H. Hsu, Y. C. Liao and K. T. Shao*(2014) The complete mitochondrial genome of the salmon shark, Lamna ditropis (Chondrichthyes, Lamnidae) ¡CMitochondrial DNA. Vol.27, Pages 316-317

234.   Lee, M.Y., T. A. Munroe and K.-T. Shao* (2014) Description of a new cryptic, shallow-water tonguefish(Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae: Symphurus) from the western North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology (2014)85,563-585

235.   Loh, K. H., K. T. Shao,V. C. Chong and H. M. Chen* (2014) Additions to the Taiwan eel fauna with five newly recorded species of moray eels (Anguilliformes:Muraenidae), and redescription of a rare species Gymnothorax sagmacephalus. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. Vol. 24: Iss. 2, Article 19. DOI: 10.6119/JMST-013-1227-1. Available at: https://jmstt.ntou.edu.tw/journal/vol24/iss2/19

236.   Tsai, C. N., W. C. Chiang,C. L. Sun*, K.-T. Shao, S.Y. Chen and S.Z. Yeh(2014) Trophic size-structure of sailfish Istiophorus platypterus in eastern Taiwan estimated by stable isotope analysis. Journal of Fish Biology (2014) 84, 354¡V371

237.   Chang, C.H. , F. Li , K.T. Shao , Y.S. Lin ,T. Morosawa , S. Kim , H. Koo , W. Kim , J.S. Lee, S. He , C. Smith, M. Reichard, M. Miya , T. Sado , K. Uehara , S. Lavoué , W.J. Chen*, R. L. Mayden (2014) Phylogenetic relationships of Acheilognathidae (Cypriniformes: Cyprinoidea) as revealed from evidence of both nuclear and mitochondrial gene sequence variation: Evidence for necessary taxonomic revision in the family and the identification of cryptic species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 81(2014):182-194

238.   Lin, L.S.*; Y.J. Chen,; Liao, Y.C. Liao ;J. Zhang ; P. Q. Song,; X. G. Yu, ; R. S. Wu, , K.T. Shao (2014) Composition of fish species in the Bering and Chukchi Seas and their responses to changes in the ecological environment. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 36(6):63-73

239.   Tsai C.N., W.-C. Chiang, C.-L. Sun*, K.-T. Shao, S.-Y. Chen and S.-Z. Yeh(2014) Trophic size-structure of sailfish Istiophorus platypterus in eastern Taiwan estimated by stable isotope analysis. Journal of Fish Biology (2014) 84, 354¡V371

240.   Lin, H.Y., C.H. Chang , H.C. Ho , and K.T. Shao*,(2014) The complete mitochondrial genome of Wanieso lizardfish Saurida wanieso Shindo & Yamada, 1972 (Aulopiformes: Synodontidae), Mitochondrial DNA DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis. Volume 27, 2016 - Issue 3. https://doi.org/10.3109/19401736.2014.982620

241.   Shao, K. T., Jack Lin*, H. M. Yeh, M. Y. Lee, L. S. Chen, H. W. Lin(2014) A Dataset of Deep-Sea Fishes Surveyed by Research Vessels in the Waters around Taiwan. ZooKeys 466: 103-110

242.   Chen, J. P., Colin K. C. Wen*, P. J.  Meng,K. L. Cherh, K. T. Shao (2015) Ain¡¦t no mountain high enough: the impact of severe typhoon on montane stream fishes.  Environmental Biology of Fishes.98:35¡V44

243.   Chen, H.Y , K. T. Shao ,Hirohisa Kishino*(2015) Phylogenetic skew: a new index of community diversity. Molecular Ecology (2015) 24, 759¡V770

244.   Iwamoto T., Nakayama N., K. T. Shao., and H. C. Ho*(2015) Synopsis of the Grenadier Fishes(Gadiformes; Teleostei) of Taiwan. Proceedings of the California Academy of Acience.ser.4.vol.62(3):31-126

245.   Cigdem Beyan*, Bastian J. Boom, Jolanda M. P. Liefhebber, K. T. Shao, and Robert B. Fisher (2015) Natural Swimming Speed of Dascyllus reticulatus Increases with Water Temperature. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Volume 72, Issue 8, September/October 2015, Pages 2506¡V2511, https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsv104

246.   Loh, K. H. K. T. Shao, H. M. Chen, C. H. Chen,; P. L. Loo,; Amy Y. H. Then,; P. E. Lim,; V. C. Chong, K. N. Shen*, C. D. Hsiao (2015) Next generation sequencing yields the complete mitochondrial genome of the longfang moray, Enchelynassa canina (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae). Mitochondrial DNA 016 Jul;27(4):2431-2. doi: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1030629. Epub 2015 May 27.

247.   Gon.Ofer*, Y. C. Liao & K. T. Shao (2015)A new species of the cardinalfish genus Jaydia (Teleostei: Apogonidae) from the Philippines. Zootaxa 3980 (2): 286¡V292

248.   Loh, K.H., K.T. Shao., Ho, H.C., Lim, P.E. & Chen, H.M. (2015) A new species of moray eel (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) from Taiwan, with comments on related elongate unpatterened species. Zootaxa, 4060 (1): 030¡V040.

249.   Ho, H.C.*, Smith D.G. & K.T. Shao (2015) Note on the congrid eel genus Parabathymyrus from the western Pacific Ocean, with description of a new species (Pisces: Anguilliformes: Congridae).  Zootaxa, 4060, 131-139

250.   Ho, H.C., McCosker, J.E., Smith D.G. & K.T. Shao* (2015) Introduction to the systematics and biodiversity of eels (orders Anguilliformes and Saccopharyngiformes) of Taiwan. Zootaxa, 4060, 5-18.

251.   Chen,H. Y., Y. C. Liao, C. Y. Chen, J. I. Tsai, L. S. Chen and K. T. Shao* (2015) Long-term monitoring dataset of fish assemblages impinged at nuclear power plants in northern Taiwan. Scientific Data 2: 150071. DOI:10.1038/sdata.2015.71

252.   Chen, H. Y., K.T. Shao, and Kishino, H.(2016) Bayesian hierarchical ANOVA model of stochastic seasonality for Diodon Holocanthus in northern Taiwan. the Journal of Marine Science and Technology. DOI¡G 10.6119/JMST-015-0428-1

253.   Ho, H. C., Davis G. Smith , John E. Mccosker , Y. Hibino , K. H. Loh , K. A. Tighe K. T. Shao* (2015)Annotated checklist of eels (orders Anguilliformes and Saccopharyngiformes) from Taiwan. Zootaxa. Zootaxa, 4060, 140-189

254.   Huang, S. P.*, I. S. Chen *, H. L. Wu and K. T. Shao(2015) Range Extension of Cryptocentrus yatsui Tomiyama, 1936 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) Based on a New Record Description from China. °ê¥ß»OÆW³Õª«À]¾Ç¥Z 68(3):1-10

255.   Huang, S. P., K. T. Shao *, N. H. Jang-Liaw , H. M. Huang and I. S. Chen(2015) Tetraroge Günther, 1860 (Teleostei: Tetrarogidae), a New Record Genus of Wasp Fish from Taiwan. °ê¥ß»OÆW³Õª«À]¾Ç¥Z 68(4):71-78

256.   Huang, S. P. , I. S. Chen , K. T. Shao *(2015) Description of a Newly Recorded Amphidromous Goby, Stiphodon pelewensis Herre, 1936 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Southeastern Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2015, 42(1): 1-7

257.   Lin J. D. G. Smith , K. T. Shao &, H.C. Ho *(2015) Saurenchelys gigas sp. nov., a new nettastomatid eel (Teleostei, Anguilliformes, Nettastomatidae) from the western central Pacific. Zootaxa 4060 (1): 121¡V130

258.   Chang,C.H.,H. Y. Lin, Q. Renm Y. S. Lin, K. T. Shao* (2016) DNA barcode identification of fish and fishery products in Taiwan: Government-commissioned authentication cases. Food Control (2016) 38-43

259.   Ho, H.-C., J.-P. Chen, K.-T. Shao* (2016) A new species of the lizardfish genus Synodus (Aulopiformes: Synodontidae) from the western Pacific Ocean. Zootaxa 4162 (1): 134¡V142.           

260.   Lin, H.-Y., M.-Y. Chiu, Y.-M. Shih, I-S. Chen, M.-A. Lee, and K.-T. Shao* (2016) Species composition assemblages of ichthyoplankton during summer in the East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research 126: 64-78.             

261.   Huang, S.P., I-S. Chen, K.-T. Shao (2016) A new species of Rhinogobius (Teleostei:Gobiidae) from Zhejiang Province, China. Ichthyol Res. 63:470-479. DOI 10.1007/s10228-016-0516-9

262.   Chang, C. H., K. T. Shao*, H. Y. Lin, Y. C. Chiu, M. Y. Lee, S. H. Liu, P. L. Lin. (2016) DNA barcodes of the native ray-finned fishes in Taiwan. Molecular Ecology Resources. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12601.

263.   Huang S. P., I-S. Chen, M. M. N. Yung, K. T. Shao* (2016) The recognition and molecular phylogeny of Mugilogobius mertoni complex (Teleostei: Gobiidae), with description of a new cryptic species of M. flavomaculatus from Taiwan. Zoological Studies, 55(39): 1-16.

264.   Huang S. P., I-S. Chen, N. H. Jang-Liaw, K. T. Shao*, and M. M. N. Yung (2016) Complete mitochondrial genome reveals a new phylogenetic perspective of brackish water goby Mugilogobius group (Teleostei: Gobiidae: Gobionellinae). Zoological Science, 33(5): 566-574.

265.   Huang S. P., I-S. Chen, and K. T. Shao* (2016) A new species of Microphysogobio (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from Fujian Province, China, and a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Microphysogobio species from southeastern China and Taiwan. Proceedings of Biological Society of Washington, 129(1): 195-211.

266.   Tsai W. P., S. P. Huang, K. T. Shao, C. Y. Lin, F. J. Chang, 2016, ¡§A data-mining framework for exploring the multi-relation between fish species and water quality through self-organizing map¡¨, Science of the Total Environment, DOI information: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.11.071. (SCI)

267.   Lin, H.Y., C.H. Chang , H.C. Ho , and K.T. Shao*, 2016, ¡§The complete mitochondrial genome of Wanieso lizardfish Saurida wanieso Shindo & Yamada, 1972 (Aulopiformes: Synodontidae)¡¨, Mitochondrial DNA, 27(3), 2190-2191.

268.   Chiu Y. C., Shao K. T., Huang S. P., 2017. The freshwater snake eel genus Lamnostoma (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae) in Taiwan, with description of a new species. Zootaxa, 2018 Jul 31;4454(1):18-32. doi: 10.11646/

269.   Huang S. P., Zhao Y. H., Chen I-S., Shao K. T. 2017. A new species of Microphysogobio (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from Guangxi Province, southern China. Zoological Studies, 56: 8. DOI: 10.6620/

270.   Tsai W. P., Huang S. P., Shao K. T., Lin C. Y., Chang F. J. 2017. Application of AI on exploring the relationship between fish community and water quality. Science of the Total Environment, 579: 474-483.

271.   Dornelas M. et al., 2017 BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology & Biogeography. 2018:27:760-786. DOI: 10.1111/geb.1279.

272.   Chen H.Y., Chen C. Y. Shao K. T. * 2018. Time series dataset of fish assemblages near thermal discharges at nuclear power plants in northern Taiwan. Scientific Data Journal. 5:1 80085. DOI:10.103.85/sdata.2018.85

273.   Shao Y.T, S. Y. Chang, H. Y. Chang, Y. C. Tseng, K.T. Shao* 2018 Largescale mullet (Planiliza macrolepis) can recover from thermal pollution-induced malformations. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0208005. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0208005

274.   Chen, L.S., Colin, Wen & K.T. Shao (2018) Regional and Seasonal Differences in Species Composition and Trophic Groups for Tidepool Fishes of a Western Pacific Island ¡V Taiwan LMU KELAUTAN March 2018 Vol 23(1):1-18 ISSN 0853-7291

275.   Huang S.P., I.S. Chen, Y.H. Zhao, K.T. Shao* (2018). Description of A New Species of the Gudgeon Genus Microphysogobio mori 1934 (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from Guangdong Province, Southern China. Zoological Studies 57: 58 doi:10.6620/ZS.2018.57-58

276.   Chen, H.*, C.-Y. Chen, K.-T. Shao, & G.-C. Gong, (2019) Spatial and temporal variations in species diversity of fish assemblages near a sewage treatment plant in northern Taiwan. Fish. Sci. 85, 581¡V590.

277.   Thu P. T , W.C. Huang , T-K. Chou, N.V. Quan, P.V. Chien, Fan Li, K.T. Shao, T-Y. Liao* (2019). DNA barcoding of coastal ray-finned fishes in Vietnam. PLOS ONE https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222631.

278.   Hibino Y.*, Y.C. Chiu*. H.M. Chen, K.T. Shao (2019) Two new species of the genus Ophichthus from the western central Pacific Ocean, with a redescription of Ophichthus megalops Asano, 1987 (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae). Zootaxa 4702 (1): 140¡V154 https://www.mapress.com/j/zt/

279.   Tseng, L.C., S.P. Huang , D. Shagnika, I.S. Chen, K.T. Shao, J.S. Hwang (2019) A slender symbiotic goby hiding in burrows of mud shrimp Austinogebia edulis in western Taiwan PLoS ONE 14(7): e0219815. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0219815

280.   Ho, L.T., K.T. Shao, S.C. Wang, H.Y., Chen* (2020) A long-term monitoring dataset of fish assemblages in rocky tidepools on the northern coast of Taiwan. Scientific Data volume 7, Article number: 84 (https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.11898174)

281.   Chang, Y-W, H-L Ko, C-Y Chen, K-T Shao (2020) Applying DNA Barcoding to Establish Diagnostic Keys for Late-Stage Damselfish (Pomacentridae) Larvae.  Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 464 (4):203-241

282.   But, G., H.Y. Wu, K.T. Shao, P.C. Shaw (2020) Rapid detection of CITES-listed shark fin species by loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay with potential for field use. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2020) 10:4455 |

283.   Cheng Jie, J. Xiao, N. Song, S. Saha, J. Qin, H. Nomura, S K Panhwar, N. Farooq, K.T.  Shao, T. X. Gao* (2020) Molecular phylogeny reveals cryptic diversity and swim bladder evolution of Sillaginidae fishes (Perciformes) across the Indo-West Pacific Ocean. Diversity And Distributions 2021;27:82¡V94  DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13171

284.   Chen, H.Y., K.T. Shao, C.Y. Chen (2020) Recovery and variation of the coastal fish community following a cold intrusion event in the Penghu Islands, Taiwan. PLOS ONE E 15(9): e0238550.

285.   Lee, C.-L.; W.-J, Lin,; P.-J., Liu,; K.-T. , Shao; H.-J., Lin (2021) Highly Productive Tropical Seagrass Beds Support Diverse Consumers and a Large Organic Carbon Pool in the Sediments. Diversity 2021, 13, 544. https://doi.org/10.3390/d13110544

286.   Chiu, Y.C., H.M. Chen, K.T. Shao (2022) Redescription of Misol ¡¥s name eel, Yirrkala misolensis (Anguilliformes: Ophichidae) from Taiwan. Zootaxa Vol. 5189 No. 1: 23 Sept. 2022

287.   Huang, S.P. & K.T. Shao (2022) Stomach content analysis of young Russel¡¦s oarfish (Regalecus russelii) from Taiwan, and a report on an unusual case of predation. Zootaxa 2022 Sep 23;5189(1):275-282. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.5189.1.25.

288.   Lin, H.J., H-L. Hsieh, C-P. Chen, K.-T. Shao ¡]2022¡^An Appraisal on The Ecological Controversy and Conservation Strategy Resulting from The 2021 Referendum for Taoyuan Algal Reefs in Northwestern Taiwan. Marine Research 2:(2):1-24.

289.   Chen, I.S., S.C. Wang, K.T. Shao (2022) A new freshwater gobiid species of Rhinogobius Gill, 1859 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from nor thern Taiwan. Zootaxa. 5189(1) :29-44.

290.   Chen, I.S., S.C. Wang, K.Y. Chen & K.T. Shao (2022) A new freshwater goby of Rhinogobius lingtongyanensis (Teleostei, Gobiidae) from the Dongshi river basin, Fujian Province, southeastern China. Zootaxa. 5189(1):18-28

291.   Liao, Y.C., R.B. Reyes Jr., K.T. Shao (2022) Owstonia aurora (Perciformes: Cepolidae: Owstoniinae), a new bandfish from the Philippines. Zootaxa 5189 (1):122-130.

292.   Huang W-C, F. Chan E, R. A. Balisco, C. L. Nañola Jr., T-K Chou, W-C Jhuang, C-W Chang, K-N Shen, K-T Shao & T-Y Liao (2023) DNA barcoding of marine teleost fishes (Teleostei) in Cebu, the Philippines, a biodiversity hotspot of the coral triangle Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 14867

293.   Chen, I.S., Y.C. Liao, L.T. Ho & K.T. Shao (2024) A new species of marine gobiid fish genus Lubricogobius (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from the Philippines. Zootaxa (In press)

294.   Huang. S.P., Y.H. Cheng, K.T. Shao & I.S. Chen (2024) A new species of Paratanakia (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from Guangdong, China. Zootaxa (in press)

295.   Chen, I.S., K.T.Shao, S. P. Huang (2024) A new Calamiana species (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from brackish waters of northern Taiwan. Zootaxa (in press)


B-2¤¤¤å´Á¥Z½×¤å (Academic articles in Chinese journals)

1.        ªò¼s¬L (1992) ¤À¤l¥Íª«§Þ³N¦b°Êª«¨t²Î¤ÀÃþ¤W¤§À³¥Î¡C¥Íª«¬ì¾Ç¡A35(2): 1-11¡C

2.        ªò¼s¬L¡B¦óªL®õ¡BªL¤¶«Ì (1993) ³½Ãþ¸s»E¥ÍºA½Õ¬dºÊ´ú»P¤ÀªR¤èªk¡A¥Íª«¬ì¾Ç¡A36(2): 41-56¡C

3.        ¤ý·V¤§¡Bªò¼s¬L (1997) °ò¶©¥«ªe¤t³½Ãþ¬Û¡C¥Íª«¬ì¾Ç¡A40(1): 20-32¡C

4.        ªò¼s¬L¡B¤ý·V¤§¡B§õ«ä§» (1997) «Ø¥ß¨È¤Ó¦a°Ï³½Ãþ¸ê®Æ®w¤§¯ìij¡C¥Íª«¬ì¾Ç¡A40(1): 77-83¡C

5.        ³¯³¹ªi¡Bªò¼s¬L¡B±i±X¶¯ (1997) ¥xÆW®ü¬v¥ÍºA¬ã¨s¤§¦^ÅU»P®i±æ¡C¥Íª«¬ì¾Ç¡A40(2): 57-64¡C

6.        ³¢¥@ºa¡B¯³©vÅã¡Bªò¼s¬L (1998) «n¥xÆW®ü°ì²£¤ÑªÇÄK¬ì³½ÃþÄá­¹²ß©Ê¤§¬ã¨s¡C¥Íª«¬ì¾Ç¡A41(1):29-46¡C

7.        ±i¨ä¥Ã*¡B¬x¸U¾ð¡Bªò¼s¬L (2000) ½cºô¾i´Þ§Z§ÎÄI鰺©M¥¬¤óÄI鰺¤ÀÃþ©Êª¬ªº¬ã¨s¡C¥xÆW®ü®l¡C19(4): 499-505.

8.        ³\®x¹ü¡B¤è²Q¡BÄÇ¥@§g¡Bªò¼s¬L¡B³¯®Û¥É¡B³¯¬L­Û* (2001) ®Ö¥Ì»Ä§Ç¦C¦h«¬©Ê»P¤À¤l±Ú¸s¿ò¶Ç¤¶¶q¤§±´°Q¡A¥H«n¤¤°ê®ü²£«¢¤óÀA³½ (Thalassoma hardwicke) ¤§±Ú¸s¿ò¶Çµ²ºc¬°¨Ò¡C¥Íª«¬ì¾Ç¡A44(1):43-65¡C

9.        ªò¼s¬L*¡B§õ®¦¦Ü¡]2001¡^®Ö¤G·î§Î³½¤§½Õ¬d¬ã¨s¡C¥x¹q¤uµ{¤ë¥Z¡C Vol.635  p.86-94

10.     ªL©¯§U*¡Bªò¼s¬L¡]2001¡^¥xÆW¥_³¡®Ö¯à¹q¼tªþªñ®ü°ì¥Íª«ªº¸s»EÅܤơC¥x¹q¤uµ{¤ë¥Z¡C Vol.635 p.52-62

11.     Áé°ê«n¡B§õ®iºa¡B©s°ö³Ç¡BÁú¾ôÅv¡B³¢øʤ¸¡B§º°ê¤h¡B±ç¤D¦J¡B¤è¤O¦æ¡Bªô¨ó´É¡Bªò¼s¬L(2002) ¾Á¤B°ê®a¤½¶é®ü°ìªø´Á¥ÍºA¬ã¨s¡Ð´ú¯¸®ü©³¦a»ª¤Î¤H¬°¬¡°Ê¹ï®ü°ì¥ÍºA½ÄÀ»ºÊ´ú¤§ªì³ø. °ê®a¤½¶é¾Ç³ø¡C12(1): 52-73.

12.     ³¯ÀR©É¡B³¯¥¿¥­¡Bªò¼s¬L* (2003) ¤jÄPÆW¼ó´ò³½Ãþ¸s»E¤§®ÉªÅÅܤơC¤¤µØ¥Á°êÀô¹Ò«OÅ@¾Ç·|¾Ç¥Z¡C26(1):71-95

13.     ¶¾ªY»T¡Bªò¼s¬L*¡B§ù®®¤¸¡B½²Åã­×¡]2003¡^®Ö¤G¼t·Å±Æ¤ô¹ïªþªñ®ü°ì³½Ãþ¸s»Eµ²ºc¤§¼vÅT¡C¥x¹q¤uµ{¤ë¥Z¡CP.61-68

14.     ©s°ö³Ç¡B³¯¥¿¥­¡BÁé°ê«n¡B¼B»Ê´Ü¡B¼Ô¦P¶³¡B±i®a»Ê¡B¥Ð¤å±Ó¡B±i´­¸R¡BªL©¯§U¡B¤è¤O¦æ¡Bªò¼s¬L*(2004) ¤H¬°¬¡°Ê¹ï¾Á¤B°ê®a¤½¶é®ü°ì¥ÍºA½ÄÀ»¤§ªø´ÁºÊ´ú¬ã¨s¤Î¥ÍºA»PÀô¹Ò¸ê®Æ®w«Ø¥ß.°ê®a¤½¶é¾Ç³ø14(2): 43-69

15.     ³¯¥¿¥­*¡B§õ®iºa¡B¶À«ØµØ¡B¤è¤O¦æ¡Bªò¼s¬L (2005) 2004¦~ªF¨FÀôÁG³½Ãþ²{ªp¡AªF¨F®ü¬v¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê±M¥Z¡CPlatax. Mongr. 1. p.1-24

16.     ªL©¯§U¡Bªò¼s¬L*¡B§õÄRµØ¡B§ù®®¤¸¡B½²Åã­× (2005) §Q¥Î¥ÍºA¨t¼Ò¦¡µû¦ô®Ö¯à¤G¼t¹ïªu©¤¥ÍºA¨t¼vÅT¡C¥x¹q¤uµ{¤ë¥Z 688:89-99

17.     ±¯ªv¦w*¡B³¯ÀR©É¡Bªò¼s¬L (2007)¥xÆW®Ö¯à³]¬Iªþªñ®ü°ìÀô¹Ò¿ç®g°»´ú¡C¥x¹q¤uµ{¤ë¥Z 710:23-34

18.     ©s°ö³Ç¡BÁé°ê«n¡B³¯¥¿¥­¡B³¯©ú½÷¡B¼B»Ê´Ü¡B±i´­¸R¡B¼Ô¦P¶³¡BªL©¯§U¡B¼B´]¤¯¡B±i®a»Ê¡B¤è¤O¦æ¡Bªò¼s¬L* (2007)¤H¬°¬¡°Ê¹ï¾Á¤B°ê®a¤½¶é®ü°ì¥ÍºA½ÄÀ»¤§ªø´ÁºÊ´ú¬ã¨s¡C°ê®a¤½¶é¾Ç³ø¡C17(2)

19.     ©s°ö³Ç¡BÁé°ê«n¡B³¯¥¿¥­¡B³¯©ú½÷¡B¼B»Ê´Ü¡B±i´­¸R¡B¼Ô¦P¶³¡BªL©¯§U¡B¼B´]¤¯¡B±i®a»Ê¡B¤è¤O¦æ¡Bªò¼s¬L* (2007) ¾Á¤B°ê®a¤½¶é®ü°ì¥ÍºA¤§ªø´ÁºÊ´ú¬ã¨s¡A°ê®a¤½¶é¾Ç³ø¡C17(2)

20.     ªò¼s¬L¡B¸­©À·O¡BªL©¯§U (2008) ®Ö¯à¥|¼t®ü°ì³½類¸s»E¤Î­¹©Ê¥\¯à¸s (The fish community structure and feeding guilds in Yenliao Bay)¡C¥x¹q¤uµ{¤ë¥Z¡C

21.     ¹ù¹B§Ó¡Bªò¼s¬L* (2008) Redescription of hachetfish, Thorophos nexilis (Pisces: Stormiiformes: Sternoptychidae: Maurolicinae) from the Philippine with a key to the genus Thorophos Bruun, 1932. (µá«ß»«²£©ò³½¡A§ô²r¥ú³½ (¥¨¤f³½¥Ø¡GÁ·¯Ý³½¬ì¡G²ö¤ó¥ú³½¨È¬ì)¤§­«·s´y­z¡A­Ý°O²r¥ú³½Äݤ§À˯Áªí)¡A°ê¥ß»OÆW³Õª«À]¾Ç¥Z 61 (1): 17-24¡C

22.     Ho, H. C. and K. T. Shao*. 2008. Taxonomic review of Lophiidae (Pisces: Lophiiformes) in Taiwan (»OÆW鮟鱇³½¬ì¤§¤ÀÃþ±´°Q). Journal of the National Taiwan Museum °ê¥ß»OÆW³Õª«À]¾Ç¥Z 60 (1): 19-32.

23.     ¦ó«Å¼y¡Bªò¼s¬L* (2008). ´M§ä°ê®aÄ_ÂáX´M¦^®ü¥~´²§Hªº¥xÆW³½Ãþ¼Ò¦¡¼Ð¥»¡C»OÆW³Õª«©u¥Z99 27(3):50-55

24.     Ho, HC, KT Shao and CW Chang. 2009. Note on three new record Scorpaenoform fishes in Taiwan. Platax. 6:27-34.

25.     ¼Ô¦P¶³¡BªLªÚ¨¹¡Bªò¼s¬L (2010) ®Ö¤T¼t¶i¥X¤ô¤f®ü°ì¬À·äÁGªººÊ´ú»P®i¥Ü (The monitoring and exhibition of coral reefs within the inlet and outlet bays of Taiwan¡¦s Third Nuclear Power Plant)¡A¥x¹q¤uµ{¤ë¥Z¡C04/01

26.     Ho, H. C. and K. T. Shao. (2010) Redescription of Malthopsis lutea Alcock, 1891 and Resurrection of M. kobayashii Tanaka, 1916 (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae). Journal of the National Taiwan Museum °ê¥ß»OÆW³Õª«À]¾Ç¥Z 63(3):1-17, 2010

27.     ¿à©ø¸R¡B³¯©¨´¼¡B¬_´¼¤¯¡B³\¨q¶²¡Bªò¼s¬L¡]2010¡^¡A¹B¥ÎGoogle Map§e²{¤j¶q¸ê®Æ¤§±´°Q--¥H¼Æ¦ì¨åÂåͪ«¦h¼Ë©Ê¸ê®Æ¬°¨Ò¡A2010¼Æ¦ì¨åÂæa²z¸ê°T¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|½×¤å¿ï¶°¡A183-199¡A¥x¥_¡AISBN¡G978-986-02-5834-9

28.     ªò¼s¬L¡B¿à©ø¸R¡BªL¥Ã©÷¡B¬_´¼¤¯¡B§õÃv¡B¬x¹a¶®¡B³¯©¨´¼¡B³¯ÄR¦è¡A»OÆW¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê¸ê®Æ¾ã¦X¤§¸gÅç»Pµ¦²¤¡A¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê (Biodiversity Science)¡A2010 Vol. 18 (5) pp. 444-453¡AISSN¡G10050094

29.     Ho, HC, DG Smith, SI Wang, KT Shao, YM Ju, CW Chang. 2010. Specimen catalog of the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium transferred from Tunghai University. (II) Order Anguilliformes. Platax, 6:13-34.

30.     ªò¼s¬L(2011) ¤Q¦~¦³¦¨ªº¡§®ü¬v¥Íª«´¶¬d­pµe¡C¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê(Biodiversity Science) 2011, 19 (6): 627¡V634¡C

31.     ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯¥¿¥­*¡B³¯静©É¡B黄«ØµØ¡B³¢¤Hºû(2011) «n®üªF¨F®q¤Î¤Ó¥­®q³½ÃþºØÃþ组¦¨©M°Êª«¦a²z¾Ç¯SÂI¡C¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê(Biodiversity Science)2011, 19 (6): 737¡V763¡C

32.     ¿à©ø¸R¡B¾G¤SµØ¡B³¯©¨´¼¡B§õ¯§°¥¡Bªò¼s¬L¡]2012¡^¹B¥Î»EÃþ¤ÀªR»PGoogle Maps©ó¤j¶qª«ºØ¥X²{¬ö¿ý¤§¬ã¨s¡A¥Íª«¦h¼Ë©Ê(Biodiversity Science)¡A Vol. 20 (1) pp76-85¡AISSN¡G10050094

33.     ³¯©y¥È¡BªL©û¼w¡B¾G·¶¿Ä¡BªLªÚ¨¹¡B¼Ô¦P¶³¡Bªò¼s¬L¡B¦¿ÂEªê¡B§õ«Ø¥­¡B³\ª÷©M(2012)µø°T§Þ³NÀ³¥Î©óÀô¹ÒÆ[´ú»P¬ö¿ý-¥H®Ö¤T¼t¶i¥X¤ô¤f¬À·äÁGÆ[´ú¬°¨Ò¡C¥x¹q¤uµ{¤ë¥Z. 768:83-88

34.     ½²¯ÀºÂ¡B±iºa¾ì¡B¬_¼z¬Â¡B³¯ÀR©É¡B½²¥¿¤@¡Bªò¼s¬L¡BÅÇ·ß®ü¡B³¯¼e¼w¡B±i¹ù¦~ÂE¡B³¯¸q¶¯(2012) ªF¨FÀôÁG¼ó´ò³½§Z¤Î¥J¸X³½¤§ºØÃþ²Õ¦¨¡A°ê®a¤½¶é¾Ç³ø¡C22(2):15-21

35.     §õ©Ó¿ý,ªò¼s¬L,³¯ÀR©É,¼B­ì¶©,½²¥¿¤@,温ùÚ¥¿(2022) ¥Ñ¥_³¡®Ö¹q¼t¤G¤Q ¦~¼²À»¸ê®ÆÅã¥Ü»OÆW¥_³¡³½Ãþ¸ê·½¤§°I°h²{¶H¡C¥x¹q¤uµ{¤ë¥Z-882:73-82


C¡G±M®Ñ¤¤ªº³¹¸`¡B±M¥Z¤¤¤§¬ã¨s³ø§i (Book chapters & Full articles in Proceedings)

1.        Shao, K.T. (1976) Systematic studies of sandborers (Genus Sillago) From the waters around Taiwan. M.S. thesis, Inst. of Oceanogr. N.T.U. 131pp.

2.        Shao, K.T.,F.J. Rohif (1983) Sampling distribution of consensus indices when all bifurcating trees are egually likely. NATO ASI Series, vol.G1. Numerical Taxonomy Ed. By J. Felsenstein springer-verlag Berlin, Heidelberg.

3.        Shao, K.T. (1983) Consensus methods in numerical taxonomy. Ph.D. dissertation. State University of New York at Stony Brook.

4.        Chen, L.S. and K.T. Shao (1987) Lethal temperatures of juvenile fish of waters in north-eastern Taiwan. Proc. of 4th IUBS Int. Symp. on Biomonitoring of the State of the Env. in Yasuno and Whitton ed., Tokai Univ. Press. Tokyo. Japan. 5-10.

5.        Shao, K.T.*, K.H. Chang, J.P. Chen (1987) A preliminary report in the waters on the fish community around the Kenting National Park.°ê¬ì·|¬ã°Q·|±M¥Z (10): 115-140,

6.        ªò¼s¬L  (1989) ¥_³¡®ü°ì³]¸m¤H¤u³½ÁG¤§³W¹º¬ã¨s¡C¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|°Êª«¬ã¨s©Ò±M¥Z¡A²Ä 12 ¸¹¡C

7.        ªò¼s¬L (1989) ¥xÆW®ü°ì³]¸m¤H¤u³½ÁG¤§³W¹º¬ã¨s¡A¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|°Êª«¬ã¨s©Ò±M¥Z¡A²Ä 13 ¸¹¡C

8.        ªò¼s¬L¡B³¯ÄR²Q¡B¦óªL®õ (1990) ªF¨F®ü°ì¥ÍºA¸ê·½±´°É½Õ¬d³ø§i¡X³½Ãþ³¡¥÷¡A©ó­J§Óª½¡B¤è¤O¦æ½sªF¨F®ü°ì¥ÍºA¸ê·½±´°É³ø§i¡A°ª¶¯¥«¬F©²º®·~ºÞ²z³B¡Ap.5-32¡C

9.        ªò¼s¬L (1991) ¤ô²£¥Íª«¥ÍºA¡C¤½®`Ų©w¬ã²ß¯ZÁ¿¸q¡A¦æ¬F°|Àô¹Ò«OÅ@¸p©e°U°]¹Îªk¤H¥xÆW²£·~ªA°È°òª÷·|¡Ap.280-301¡C

10.     Shao, K.T.*, S.C. Shen, T.S. Chiu, C.S. Tzeng (1992) Distribution and Database of Fishes in Taiwan. ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|´Óª«¬ã¨s©Ò±M¥Z(11): 173-206.

11.     ªò¼s¬L¡B´¿´¸½å (1993) Æ[½à³½­ã³\©Î¤£­ã³\¶i¤f¦W¿ý¤§­×­q¬ã¨s¡]II¡^¡C¥xÆW¬Ù¬F©²¹AªLÆUº®·~§½¡B¦æ¬F°|¹A·~©e­û·|©e°U°ê¥ß¥xÆW®ü¬v¤j¾Ç®ü¬v¥Íª«¬ã¨s©Ò¡B°ê¥ß²MµØ¤j¾Ç¥Í©R¬ì¾Ç¨t¡A118pp¡C

12.     Shao, K.T. (1994) Biodiversity and conservation of marine fishes in Taiwan with emphasis on the coral reef fishes. Biodiversity & Terrestrial Ecosystem ed. C.I. Peng et C.H. Chou, Inst. Bot. Acad. Sini. Mongr.. Ser. 14: 307-318.

13.     ³¯¥¿¥­¡Bªò¼s¬L¡BªL¤¶«Ì (1994) ªF¨F®q®ü°ì¬À·äÁG³½Ãþ¡A¦æ¬F°|«n®ü¬Fµ¦ºõ»â¡Ð«n®ü¥ÍºAÀô¹Ò½Õ¬d¬ã¨s³ø§i®Ñ¡C¦æ¬F°|¹A·~©e­û·|©e°U°ê¥ß®ü¬v¥Íª«³Õª«À]Äw³Æ³B¡Ap.289-318¡C

14.     ³¯¥¿¥­¡B¸âºa®Û¡Bªò¼s¬L (1994) ¤Ó¥­®q®ü°ì¬À·äÁG³½Ãþ¡A¦æ¬F°|«n®ü¬Fµ¦ºõ»â¡Ð«n®ü¥ÍºAÀô¹Ò½Õ¬d¬ã¨s³ø§i®Ñ¡C¦æ¬F°|¹A·~©e­û·|©e°U°ê¥ß®ü¬v¥Íª«³Õª«À]Äw³Æ³B¡Ap.5-36¡C

15.     ´¿¸U¦~¡B³¯¥°¦¨¡BªLÂ`ªQ¡Bªò¼s¬L¡BĬ­Z´Ë (1994) º®·~¥Í²£»PÀô¹Ò¡A©ó·¨²±¦æ½s¡u¹A·~»PÀô¹Ò«O¨|¡v¡AµØ­»¶é¥Xª©ªÀ¡Ap.144-168¡C

16.     ªò¼s¬L (1995) ¤ô·ÅÅܤƹï¥xÆWªu©¤³½Ãþ¤À§G¤§¼vÅT¡A©ó·¨²±¦æ½s¡u®ð­ÔÅܾE»P¹A·~¥Í²£¡v¡Cp.189-206¡A1995.6.18.¤¤°ê¹A¤Æ¾Ç·|(¥x¤j)¡Ap.189-206¡C

17.     ªò¼s¬L (1995) ¬À·äÁG¥ÍºA¨t¤Î¨ä¨ü¥þ²yÅܾE¤§¼vÅT¡A¡u¥þ²yÅܾEÁ¿¸q·J¶° (¤G)¡v¡C1995.4.19¡A¥x¤j¥þ²yÅܾE¤¤¤ß¡C

18.     ªò¼s¬L (1995) ¹q¼t¹ï¥ÍºAÀô¹Ò¤§ºÊ´úµû¦ô¤¶²Ð¡C¥x¹q¤½¥qÀô¹ÒºÊ´ú¬ã²ß¯ZÁ¿¸q¡C

19.     ½±°ê¥­¡B§õ©ú¦w¡B¼Ú¼y½å¡Bªò¼s¬L¡B®]Ä_¦~ (1995) ¼ê´ò¿¤µo®i®ü¬vªª³õ³W¹º¡C®ü¤j¤ô²£¾Ç°|¡A133­¶¡C

20.     ªò¼s¬L (1996) ¤ô·ÅÅܤƹï¥xÆWªu©¤³½Ãþ¤À§G¤§¼vÅT¡A©ó·¨²±¦æ½s¡u®ð­ÔÅܾE»P¹A·~¥Í²£¡v¡A1995.6.18¡A¤¤°ê¹A¤Æ¾Ç·|(¥x¤j)¡Ap.189-206¡C

21.     ªò¼s¬L (1996) ¥þ²yÅܾE¹ï¥xÆW®ü°ì¥ÍºAªº¼vÅT¤Î¦]À³µ¦²¤¡A¡u®ð­ÔÅܾE½ÄÀ»µû¦ô»P¦]À³µ¦²¤«Øij¬ã°Q·|¡v½×¤å¶°¡C¥x¤j¥þ²yÅܾE¤¤¤ß¡Ap.255-292¡C

22.     ªò¼s¬L (1997) ³½Ãþ¸s»E¤§¥Íª««ü¼Ð»P¦hÅܭȲέp¤ÀªR¤èªk¡A©óªLÂ`ªQ¤Î±ç¥@¶¯¦X½s¡u¥xÆW³¥¥Í°Êª«¸ê·½½Õ¬d -- ²H¤ô³½¸ê·½½Õ¬d¤â¥U¡v¡Cp.108-132¡C

23.     ªò¼s¬L (1998) ®ü¤ô³½ªº¬üÄR»P«s·T¡A©ó¸ëºÖ¬Û½s¡u¤H»P®ü--¥xÆW®ü¬vÀô¹Ò¡v¡AÁp¸g¥Xª©ªÀ¡C¥xÆW®ü¬vÀô¹Ò¤j·|¡A¥x¥_¥@¶T¤¤¤ß¡C

24.     Chou, C.H. and K.T. Shao ed. (2000) Frontiers in Biology: The challenges of Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture. Proc. IUBS Symposium, Academia Sinica.

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